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Window.LocalStorage on iOs
24/11/2015 08:09:16
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>>>I still like you :). And I like the simplicity of populating the dropdown using Angular.js. Do you know if Angular.js would have some functions to store data into the localStorage? Or I have to do it "manually"?
>>>Thank you for all your help! (if not for an important football game tonight, I would continue learning WebAPI tonight, but I have a contractual obligation to my team to watch them :)).
>>Hope they won. Here's a simple example of a WebApi class:
       public class MyController : ApiController
>>        {
>>            [HttpGet]
>>            [Route("customers")]
>>            public HttpResponseMessage GetCustomers()
>>            {
>>                List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer>();
>>                customers.Add(new Customer() { Name = "Viv", Id = 123 });
>>                customers.Add(new Customer() { Name = "Dimitry", Id = 345 });
>>                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, customers);
>>            }
>>        }
>>        public class Customer
>>        {
>>            public string Name { get; set; }
>>            public int Id { get; set; }
>>        }
You would need to add 'config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes();' in the Register method in WebApiConfig.cs. Navigating to that link (e.g. http://localhost:51123/customers ) should now show you the XML representation returned by the server. If you want Json then also add 'config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/html"));' to WebApiConfig.cs after which you should see the JSON representation being returned.
>>A simple example of using this api in the browser with angular (expecting Json):
<!DOCTYPE html>
>><html ng-app="myApp" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
>>    <title>Customers</title>
>>    <script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/angular.js"></script>
>>    <script type="text/javascript">
>>        var app = angular.module('myApp',[]);
>>        app.controller('customerController', ['$scope', '$http', customerController]);
>>        function customerController($scope, $http) {
>>            $scope.controller = this;
>>            var customers = [];
>>            var selectedCustomer = null;
>>            var controller = this;
>>            $http({
>>                method: 'GET',
>>                url: '/customers'
>>            }).then(function successCallback(response) {
>>                controller.customers = response.data;
>>                //Save to local storage:
>>                localStorage["Customers"] = JSON.stringify(response.data);
>>                // To retrieve later:
>>                // var customers = JSON.parse(localStorage["Customers"]);
>>                controller.selectedCustomer = response.data[0];
>>            }, function errorCallback(response) {
>>                //Handle failure here
>>            });
>>        }
>>    </script>
>>    <ng-form ng-controller="customerController">
>>        <!--Populate the dropdown-->
>>        <select data-ng-model="controller.selectedCustomer" data-ng-options="c.Name for c in controller.customers"></select>
>>        <!--Show Json for selected:-->
>>        Selected Customer: {{controller.selectedCustomer}}
>>    </ng-form>
>Viv, than you very much. I will save this code and review it later. I have two "projects" between which I am jumping and the Web API is the second priority. The first one is to learn and implement the localStorage. In fact, right after this I will start another thread related to the local storage (just so that I don't violate UT's etiquette of "one question-one thread").
>(Our team won; the downside of the game is that I went to bed at 12:30 am which is way past my bed time, since I get up at 5 am. Good thing that I only watch one football game per week, and no other sports. So my time investment in this waste of time is very modest :))

There are a couple of lines in the javascript sample above which show how to store and retrieve Json from local storage. That part is fairly trivial.

I see that, like me, you are an early riser :-}

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