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Pinky needs a home
02/12/2015 10:13:47
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>>>>>>The only people who have to take crappy jobs are those that are unwilling to learn a skill. In this country, they can't find enough welders, brick layers and plumbers. You don't need an expensive (sometimes useless) college degree to learn these skills. These people make very good money - probably better money than you make.
>>>>>Actually, you might want to check that again.
>>>>>At one time - up till the 1970's, those jobs were unionized and paid more than some programmers earned.
>>>>>Since that time, union membership and union bargaining power have plummeted in the US.
>>>>>Not surprisingly, wages have remained flat or declined.
>>>>>There are lots or reasons.. robots have replaced many welders and many welding jobs have been shipped overseas or to Mexico or Canada via NAFTA.
>>>>>I can't speak for other parts of the country, but I watched several communities being built here in Hamilton.
>>>>>All the concrete and brick work was done by non-union immigrants who were brought in to do the work and then moved on. Ditto with plumbers, painters and electricians.
>>>>>Brick layers, plumbers etc who lived in Hamilton would starve to death.
>>>>>At one time those were union jobs that paid very well. The people would have lived in the area and contributed to the community.
>>>>>Since the deregulation of the airline and trucking industries jobs that were once high paying union jobs are now low paying non-union jobs.
>>>>>There are some airline pilots making less than programmer trainees now.
>>>>>Union truck drivers who worked at one company their entire lives have been replaced by anyone who can get a commercial driver's license and wants to make a trip or two.
>>>>>In some cases truck driver jobs are actually auctioned and go to the lowest bidder.
>>>>>Try to raise a family that way.
>>>>>Here's a kick... the people most responsible for these changes were Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.. both Dems!
>>>>This is what I like about you, Bill. You hit them on the right and on the left :). You must be truly independent that all politicians are wooing for.
>>>Well, I'd like to be able to say something positive about our leaders now and then but it's been almost impossible of late.
>>>Of the current crop, the most disappointing has been Chris Christie.
>>>I jumped across the aisle to vote for him when he ran for his first term.
>>>He did a few good things in his first year but since then his true colors showed.
>>>He and Bill Clinton are neck and neck for the title of Most Corrupt Politician of the past 30 years.
>>Solution: Vote!
>He did
Another thing I was going to suggest to Bill is that he goes and kick Chris Christie's a$$. But I know that Bill is quite busy with some technical work and probably does not have free time.
Do you have any suggestions?
"The creative process is nothing but a series of crises." Isaac Bashevis Singer
"My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all." Oscar Wilde
"If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too." W.Somerset Maugham

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