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Classes for EF - newbie question
Information générale
Entity Framework
Versions des environnements
C# 4.0
Windows 10
Windows 2008 Server
MS SQL Server
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>>>>>>I am watching one of the Pluralsight courses on EF (by Julie Lerman). The first thing she creates is a class project with a file .classes where she writes 3 classes (Ninja, Clan, NinjaEquipment).
>>>>>>Does it mean that when I prepare my application database to be used with EF I have to create a similar class library classes.cs with a class for each of the tables in my database?
>>>>>That is the code first approach, which I think is stupid - database first is my motto. Look for generators to create such classes from your DB.
>>>>I believe that EF 7 done away with the model database first and left only code first model. I understand your suggestion of not wasting time of writing a bunch of code but rather have a tool to do it for you. I will look for the 3P tool to generate such code. But my question was more academic, is such a classes.cs with all classes "matching" my tables required for EF?
>>>>Thank you.
>>> I suggest you to look at Reverse POCO generator by Simon Hudges We're using it in our current project. Every time you make changes in your database, you simply run the tool to re-generate the classes. In our application we have 2 projects. One is the Data project that contains configurations for each table/view, the other is Models which contains a single class file for each table/view. That project is quite flexible and allows you to generate all you need.
>>Thank for your suggestion for POCO generator.
>>Do I understand correctly that your Models (containing a single class file for each table/view) is what they refer to a Code First? That is, the domain class listing all columns of a table?
>Yes, exactly. I'll show you one of the generated classes:
>// ReSharper disable RedundantUsingDirective
>// ReSharper disable DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructor
>// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
>// ReSharper disable PartialTypeWithSinglePart
>// ReSharper disable PartialMethodWithSinglePart
>// ReSharper disable RedundantNameQualifier
>// TargetFrameworkVersion = 4.51
>#pragma warning disable 1591    //  Ignore "Missing XML Comment" warning
>using System;
>using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
>using System.Collections.Generic;
>using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
>using System.Data.Entity;
>using System.Threading;
>namespace Siriusware.Models
>    // act_actv
>    public partial class ActActv
>    {
>        public decimal ActivId { get; set; } // activ_id (Primary key). Primary key
>        public string Account { get; set; } // account
>        public decimal InvoiceNo { get; set; } // invoice_no. Invoice number (if applicable)
>        public int ActivType { get; set; } // activ_type. Activity type: 10=Print statement
>        public string Details { get; set; } // details. Details (if applicable)
>        public DateTime DateTime { get; set; } // date_time
>        public string Person { get; set; } // person
>        public string Location { get; set; } // location
>        // Foreign keys
>        public virtual Accounts Accounts { get; set; } // FK_act_actv_accounts
>        public ActActv()
>        {
>            InvoiceNo = 0m;
>            Details = "";
>            DateTime = System.DateTime.Now;
>            Person = "";
>            Location = "";
>            InitializePartial();
>        }
>        partial void InitializePartial();
>    }
>That code is all generated. We do not touch it.

Thank you for sharing the code.
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