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Re: Sport?
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>>>>>Snowbound and nursing a winter cold, I watched the Bronco's beat the Patriots in the first NFL game I've seen in a while.
>>>>>I never was an NFL fan. Once the Giants moved to New Jersey I lost the little interest I had, but I hardly recognize that sport any more.
>>>>>It was always a violent sport, but I don't think I saw a single classic tackle on Sunday. Instead of going for the legs with their arms and shoulders, these defensive players toss their bodies like projectiles at an oncoming opponent's upper body.
>>>>>And these bodies are unlike anything I've seen on a football field.
>>>>>Then I came across this today.
>>>>Watch this movie sometime.
>>>I will
>>>Here's another related story:
>>>5'11" and 170 at one time was OK for a pro QB.
>>>With 6'6" mammoths charging at you can't see your target anymore
>>I don't think the NFL cares at all about the health of their players. If they did, then some of these rules would change. When you see all these cheap-shots, and worst thing you see happen is maybe a 15 yard penalty - that does not cut it. It needs to be where the player is ejected from the whole game, if not the whole season. They've made a few new rules in an attempt to protect QB's and defenseless receivers - but the new rules are pointless and stupid if there is not a major consequence to pay.
>The NFL and the NCAA do a great propaganda job, as you just demonstrated.
>It's not the players.
>Coaches and owners are picking these people knowing full well that they're vicious thugs.
>Do you really think that Bill Belichick thought this monster was an altar boy?
>It actually starts in the high schools. These animals are given a free pass if they can break thru the line or cripple an opponent- no matter how- and the more vicious they are, the higher they're rated.
>There are tens of billions involved here, when you consider the NCAA and NFL.
>$2 million is a low salary for an NCAA coach. These people are products of the same system that produced Aaron Hernandez.
>Bulk up drugs are the same. The teams benefit more than the players do when these guys shoot themselves up with that stuff.
>Look at that Gronkowski guy. People are just not made that way naturally.

All very true. There are a huge number of number of NFL players that get arrested every dang year.

..The NFL and the coaches simply need to tell a lot of these guys that they're no longer eligible to play.

ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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