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Caller form to search form to data entry and back
08/02/2016 15:20:36
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
General information
Visual FoxPro
Forms & Form designer
Environment versions
Visual FoxPro:
Windows Server 2003
MS SQL Server
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>Just occurred to me that back in FPD days we were doing something I've never seen demoed in any tool... because it's a tad complicated. And "why would anyone need that" is the question with a ready answer.
>Here's the scenario. Form for data entry of a document (or anything else, for that matter), and at some point you need to create a FK into a lookup table. The lookup table is either too long or too wide for a combo, so there's a search form which opens up (this is where practically every demo loses me, they never have anything but combo at this point). In that search form you find your lookup record, except you notice a glaring error (ommision or commision, irrelevant) or you simply don't find it. You open up the lookup editing form (or if you're Mike Yearwood, it's the same form - right, Mike? - so you do it on the spot in the search form). Save the changed record in the lookup, return the PK of the found or edited or added record to the caller form... and, sheesh, you now need to refresh the cursor, assuming it wasn't the same cursor as in the lookup search and/or edit form. So you refresh that and we live happily ever after.
>Except that
>1) a friend of mine is trying to learn c# and can't find a single example of the described scenario (actually can't even find how to refresh one cursor in a dataset or whichever data plough he's using)(Yes, Bonnie, you know who). Is it possible that nobody out there didn't have the need for such a scenario (and the ready answer to that question is "because we're introducing the system to a new customer and they want to create documents right away and fill the lookups as needed, not spend a week doing that before creating any documents, so we have to have this add-lookup-records-on-the-fly feature") or
>2) is it possible that it was done thousands of times but my friend has ten thumbs when googling the scenario
>3) or is it a completely different world than what we have here so they all did it but nobody is publishing because they aren't paid for it?
>So just for internal reference (and an internal bet), did you do this? In Fox, that is. I'm not expecting that anyone did it in .net, that's where "things are done in a different way", as I was told.
>(on the question of how to do it in c#... I don't care, let him suffer, and I don't want to know)

In our ASP.NET MVC/C#/EF application we have such functionality implemented. There is a possibility to open the new form for editing the "lookup" table and then refresh data back. I forgot right now the term we used for such functionality and it was implemented by one of the contractors working on this project (he is no longer working). In any case, we do have such functionality but it opens a separate page in a new browser window (not in the same page).
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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