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>fly-by-night with no data supporting is not the same as ABC news with tons of research backing it.
>What makes you think that I think that ABC is such a reputable and accurate reporter of the news?
>ABC news did a very large investigative series on this huge problem too - you can find the whole thing on their website.
>Like I said earlier, I don't blindly trust in anything that ABC has to say. Most of their journalists lean way to the left. Pity that there seems to be no news outlet that actually wants to report the facts without injecting their own biases into the story.

You don't have to take ABC's word for it (or I guess any of the other major news organizations) - just listen to what Republicans are saying and the actions they're taking.

The Brennan Center for Justice notes that“The impact of ID requirements is even greater for the elderly, students, people with disabilities, low-income individuals, and people of color.... "African Americans have driver’s licenses at half the rate of whites, and the disparity increases among younger voters; only 22% of black men aged 18-24 had a valid driver’s license. Not only are minority voters less likely to possess photo ID, but they are also more likely than white voters to be selectively asked for ID at the polls.”

>I get it , Victor. You believe that anyone who is conservative is a bigoted money grubbing racist who wants to push granny over a cliff and keep minorities from voting. I just don't happen to agree with you.

No - I do not believe that all conservatives are bigoted - but it's obvious the GOP is. Look - if you don't want to hear that the republicans are racist - then I suggest they stop acting like it!!! How many recent examples do you want?

Republican former governor and apparently perpetual Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee's refusal to accept that the nation's first black president wasn't born in Africa.
Republican former senator and apparently perpetual Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum's racist welfare rant.
Republican governor and apparently perpetual presidential candidate Rick Perry's refusal to criticize the racist rant that has other Republicans scurrying to jump ship on the deadbeat social welfare rancher they and Perry had been defending. But then Perry and racism and ranching are nothing new.
Republican senator and all-but-announced presidential candidate Rand Paul's curious habit of associating with white supremacists.
Republican former vice-presidential nominee, current Congressman and potential presidential candidate Paul Ryan's inner city problems.
Apparently perpetual Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. There's not much more that needs be said than Donald Trump. Forever Donald Trump. Perpetually Donald Trump. A real estate magnate in search of a hinge Donald Trump.
Republican former vice-presidential nominee and—as long as it keeps her in the general vicinity of a spotlight, any spotlight—apparently perpetual pretend potential presidential candidate Sarah Palin... Okay... Just ick.
Republican former Gov. George Allen's clumsy, casual racism that derailed what could have been his own perpetual presidential ambitions.
Republican former governor (and potential future resident of a different form of public housing) Bob McDonnell's fond memories of the Confederacy.
Republican former speaker of the House, former presidential candidate and current CNN TV pundit Newt Gingrich ever and always being Newt Gingrich.
The blithe and lunatic Islamophobia of Republican former Congressman and current Fox "News" contributor Allen West.
The Republican National Committee running a racist ad on behalf of soon-to-be Sen. Bob Corker.
Republican former governor and former Republican Governors Association Chair Haley Barbour's amnesia about the brutality of the Civil Rights era, and fond memories of extreme racists.
Republican Gov. Nikki Haley slowly coming to realize that it wasn't a good idea to have a white supremacist on her campaign steering committee.
Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions, whose long history on the wrong side of history continues to defy history.
Republican Gov. Scott Walker's staff circulating a racist email.
Republican Rep. Steve King's special insights about immigrants from the south.
Republican Rep. Peter King's medievalist crusade against Arab and Muslim Americans.
Republican Rep. Devin Nunes rationalizing and excusing bigoted extremism.
Republican Rep. Lynn Westmoreland calling the nation's first African-American president "uppity."
Republican Rep. Geoff Davis calling the nation's first African-American president—who also happens to be older than Davis—"that boy."
Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert concerned that "federal funds going to China for the protection of rare cats and dogs may actually result in 'moo goo dog pan or moo goo cat pan'," and comparing civil rights laws to protecting lizards and chickens.
The 2012 Republican National Convention, so rife with racism, both on and off stage, the latter exemplified by a black CNN camerawoman being pelted with peanuts because "this is how we feed animals."
The Iowa Republican Party posting on its Facebook page a humorless racist graphic about racism.
The Mississippi Republican Party's Neo-Confederate wing.
Colorado Republicans defending their state senator who said "poverty is higher among the 'Black race' because they eat too much chicken."
Republican state Rep. Dennis Johnson's casual anti-Semitism.
Conservative media darling Sean Hannity, who just can't help being drawn to certain types of people, and has even been called out for it by at least one other conservative media darling.
Conservative and former sports media darling Rush Limbaugh, ever and always being Rush Limbaugh.
Conservative media darling Bill O'Reilly, ever and always being nothing less than Bill O'Reilly.
Conservative media central Fox "News"... Fox "News"... Fox "News"... Fox "News"...
Conservative tabloid the New York Post publishing a blatantly racist and sexist front page about the nation's first African-American president meeting with Denmark's Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt.
Conservative Heritage Foundation think tank thinker Jason Richwine, forced to resign after public revelations about his racist history, even as the Heritage Foundation itself continues to keep it all on the plantation.
Conservative Hoover Institute think tank thinker and National Review columnist Victor Davis Hanson's keen solipsistic projections about the motives, behavior and psychology of people who are not like Victor Davis Hanson.
And speaking of the conservative media icon National Review, how does one speak of the conservative media icon National Review without mentioning its long history of giving a print bullhorn to racists?

..and on and on and on. ..and this is just the tip of the iceberg too of course.

The racism at the core of the Republican agenda is neither accident nor coincidence. If the Republicans and their propagandists and their apologists genuinely want people to stop calling Republicans racists, whining and denying won't succeed. If the Republicans and their propagandists and their apologists genuinely want people to stop calling Republicans racists, the Republicans need to stop being racists!. We are nation with shifting racial demographics and they just can't deal with it.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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