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02/12/1998 11:58:12
02/12/1998 11:32:36
Chuck Tripi
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
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Visual FoxPro
Re: Jpeg
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My comments are embedded throught your message.

>I have not dived into VFP 6.0 yet. I am still messing around with FPW 2.6. I placed an request to my supervisor to send me to Chicago for AppDev training on the week of March 15, 1999.
>>1. An object property that listed the path to the graphics files.
>> (ex.. C:\AppRoot\Graphics\) MyForm.ImgPath
>In an network, would it be P:\CapInv\Pictures\ ??
>(CapInv = Capitol Inventory)

Absolutely, it doesn't matter where they are so long as you can path to them or reference them through the Universal Naming Convention.

>>2. An Image Control
>What is that (read my message above that I have not started VFP yet, my LAN Admin is not ready to install it yet, maybe scared about the drive space or how the directories works...)

In 2.6W You don't have an Object Oriented Image Control. There is an image control, but not being Object Oriented, I have no idea how to replace the picture with another one. This could very well be a show stopper.

>>3. A field in my inventory table that listed the file name of the graphic.
>> (ex.. widget.bmp)
>Are you understanding that it could and will have more than 1 image per Item ID.

That's workable, in your data modelling, you could go a couple of ways. In your inventory table, have a field that points to another table that has fields for ItemId and ImageFileName. You could have multiple records for the same ItemId and retrieve them with a select statement, drop a descriptive name also housed in the second table into a combo box and the user could select from a list of pictures of the item in question which could appear because of code in the interactive change event of the combo box. ** Note ** I doubt this can be made to work in FPW 2.6

>>4. In your navigation logic you need to programatically replace the .picture property of the image control with the path and file name of the graphic.
>>(ex.. MyForm.ImageControl.Picture = MyForm.ImgPath + Inventory.ImgFile)
>I can understand this one...
>>5. You're going to issue a form refresh after you move the record pointer anyway, do it after you reset that property and you should get a new image along with the rest of your record.
>I can understand this one, but I will have to actually test it to know better.
>>You may have to fiddle with the logic a bit to make it work for you. **Note** You might want to convert your graphics files to BMP's as VFox likes them better than JPG's.
>I was looking at if there was another application that want to use the image, I thought the JPEG format would be good (and provides best coloring?).

Stick with the JPG's, they are smaller files with better image quality, and are portable to other UI Platforms. When I made that comment, I was basing that on remembering having problems with file formats other than BMP, but I did some testing last night and found out that now it's a non-issue.

>**Can you somehow create an **sample** for me to start out, please.** I have VFP 6.0 at home and like to get started.

Let me see what I can come up with. Writing the programming isn't hard, but I don't have a collection of images to work with. Let me see what I can do. At the least, I'll be able to get you a set of sample code in a couple of days.

>Were you looking at the image files in subdirectories, like:
>P:\CapInv\Pictures\M2222222\sptire.jpg (sptire = spare tire :)

I would put my images in a group of subfolders based on type or category, but I wouldn't create a folder for each image, or even item. That would be a level of granularity that I wouldn't want to mess with.

>If the BMP are better to handle and "easy" to switch from JPEG to BMP, by all means thats fine. We have Sony digital camera that produces standard JPEG 640X480(VGA) format. The memory is the regular 3 1/2" floppy and we just copy the *.JPG and rename to what we want, does this seem the easiest to leave it in JPEG format?

Absolutely, see my previous comment about using JPG's. I'm working on an app to manage the youth hockey league my son's play in, and I'm thinking that it could be interesting to add a pic of each player. I'll have to play with it a bit.

Jason Tryon
Senior Systems Analyst / Technical Lead
eBusiness / iPage

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