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Violence and assaults and Trump events
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>>At least this time someone got arrested for the assault. At another rally in Iowa, he promised to pay the legal fees of supporters who "knock the crap out" of protesters who may appear at the rally! On average it appears that a person is forcibly removed every 4 minutes from these events. I don't recall any political candidate that's had these type of issues at their events (someone please correct me if I'm wrong).
>>I know these Hitler comparisons are often far fetched - but they seem to be less and less far fetched. (quoting evil dictators, ban whole group of people from country based on their religion, assaults at events, now everyone raise their right hand and take a pledge..)
>Couple of things:
>- I agree, things at the Trump rallies are getting nasty. I've read different accounts where many are removed from HRC events, but nothing like Trump

I've heard of a couple isolated events at HRC events (person holding a sign escorted out) - but she's not promoting assaults and violence like Trump is either, and not booting out someone every 4 minutes either.

>- Physical aggression is never, never the answer. One time in the 1980's I attended a rally to voice opposition to those who were protesting against nuclear energy. Things were getting very testy, so my friend and I backed off and eventually left when some pushing went on. There's an old expression, "It's OK to use emotion in a debate...never OK to replace a debate with emotion".
>- The Hitler comparisons trivialize Hitler. Hitler happened in no small way because of the conditions in the Weimar environment in the years preceding the rise of Nazism. While I have many concerns about our climate today, we are nothing like the state of Germany before Hitler rose to power. We are still a (flawed) constitutional republic whereas Germany was a pure mess. I always objected to people comparing Obama to Hitler and I think the comparisons with Trump are just as foolish. There's a subtle but important difference between parallels and comparisons.

But IS it really foolish to make the comparison with Trump? Sure they're not exactly alike of course, but what other leader in recent times does he compare as close too?
He blames a specific group of immigrants for all our problems (and promises to eliminate them from our society)
He'll sell his hate as hope for the poorest citizens In this country
Don't think concentration camps, just think prisons
Not taking him seriously makes him more dangerous - which is probably the most important thing. Plus the guy kept a book of Hitler speeches by his bedside.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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