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New interface available
16/04/2016 21:02:59
15/04/2016 06:09:46
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>I've used the new interface a little, and at first looked good, but a minute later I find it less useful that the old interface.
>Some in the lines that Lutz said:
>- Pictures to the right pane are too distracting and not useful at all. I thing that users want info, not BIG pictures, I use Facebook for that.
>- I can see less information than with old interface
>- I use the "last 10" panels, sorry :) (last 10 messages, last 10 replies, etc)
>- In old layout I can configure what to enable or disable (If I don't want panels, then I can uncheck them)
>- I can't configure backcolor (I use white anyway, not default lightblue)
>- In general, I prefer the old interface because I have more information, more configuration and less distracting things
>A problem I can see on both designs is that they are not responsive, so trying to browse UT on a mobile is terrible ugly, and there are some usability problems too.

Top right image would be related to a setting. So, you will have the ability to turn that off.

The less information is probably an illusion based on the last 10 items of various content which are all available from the top menu. As I said in another message, this was used for a while. But, now, the top menu, with the introduction of the red counters, let the user know when there is something new and only one entry point should be made available so to keep it simple as well.

What was your preference in regards to the last 10 items? Is it only the most recent message and replies?

As for the responsivity, we adjusted last week the interface, this new one, to be better on mobile. So, for example, the right panel will not show and the resizing is turned off. But, this product requires a big interface. Despite the fact this can be used in mobile, it is not focus for that. You will be better with the upcoming app.

For example, if you use pages from the main page, News, Downloads, etc., you will see they fit nicely on mobile. But, the interface cannot because it requires an App approach to properly offers a working environment to the user.
Michel Fournier
Level Extreme Inc.
Designer, architect, owner of the Level Extreme Platform
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