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Tables closing unexpectatnly
03/05/2016 18:31:59
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Hi Tommy:

Given the code you provided, I just can make some points to enhance it, but I can't assure that this will fix it. All I can say is that good programming practices always help to minimize problems.

Ok, here we go:

1) I don't see an error handler routine on place (try/catch), so I assume you are using some generic ON ERROR. If you just Cancel and Quit your program when an error occurs, then ON ERROR it's ok, but if you handle the error in a way that allows to report it and continue using the application, then Try/Catch is much better

2) This table-opened--then-close check:

>IF USED(lcReportName)
> USE IN SELECT(lcReportname)

can be replaced directly by this line:

USE IN (SELECT(lcReportname))

3) This is bad practice (prone to error):

> lcInitialTable = ALIAS()
-- then --
>IF NOT EMPTY(lcInitialTable)
> SELECT &lcInitialTable

It's better to rely on SELECT() this way:

lnInitialTable = SELECT()
-- then --
SELECT (lnInitialTable)

4) This code:

>LOCAL laExpr
>DIMENSION laExpr[1]

Can be replaced by one line, as this:

LOCAL laExpr(1)

5) You create a temp temp report name and save the name in "lcAliasName" variable, but I don't know why all this, when you simply can alias it as "temp_report" directly, whithout variables involved.

6) About the new report created, don't know why so much code. I think that can be done with much less.

Hope it helps a little.

>Hi Gang!
>Just need some suggestions as to where to look.
>We have a LARGE application, written VFP 9.0 SP1, that until recently behaved ok. Since the last update, the users are reporting daily errors, which we capture in a table to examine.
>The errors are occurring in 1 form, and this form has a PRIVATE DATA session
>The errors, that are new errors, are predominantly of the kind where the tables are not being used or open, when normally they were.
>I checked in the code for any
>by itself and maybe closing a table by accident.
>Also looked for things like USE footable without a SELECT 0 before it, or IN 0 in it.
>I also added a new method (base on ideas given to me from here, on the UT). The routine was to enable a DUPLEX capable printer to actually print in DUPLEX for reports and monographs printed out during prescriptions as they are being filled. Here is the code for DUPLEXING.... ( the idea here is that the report forms are IN the executable, so I have to copy the structure of the report form to my TEMP folder, there rename it to be a report again, modify one of the fields that holds the DUPLEX information, save it and then use this modified report to print the report information.)
>LPARAMETERS tcReportName, tlDuplexOn, tcTempNumber
>*TMT 12/01/2015 Add duplexing to the report
>LOCAL lcReportName, laExpr, lnLen, ln, lcExpr, llFoundDuplex, lcOrientation, llOrientation
>LOCAL lcTempReportName
>LOCAL lcAliasName
>lcAliasName = ''
>*TMT 2016/04/14 Save the table name we are selected to, so we can reset to this when we exit this routine...
>LOCAL lcInitialTable
>lcInitialTable = ALIAS()
>DIMENSION laExpr[1]
>llFoundDuplex = .F.
>llOrientation = .F.
>lcReportName = ALLTRIM(tcReportName)
>lcTempReportName = gcpVistemp + '\' + "_" + lcReportName + tcTempNumber
>*TMT 12/03/2015 Close the temporary table used for the output data if it is already open... 
>*sometimes these temporary tables are named the same as the name of the report, which can cause problems
>*below when we are creating the temp report table which may be the same name.... can't have the two
>*tables open at the same time with the same name.....
>IF USED(lcReportName)
>	USE IN SELECT(lcReportname)
>*TMT 12/02/2015 Delete the temporary cursor table _DailyLog
>DELETE FILE (lcTempReportName + '.*')
>*-- TMT 12/02/2015 Since we don't send the REPORTS folder with the Reports to the customer, and the reports are stored in the EXE as cursors, I will need to copy the cursor FRX to the
>*-- Temp folder and modify the copy.  I will use the copy to print from, then delete it when finished.
>* First, copy the cursor to the temp folder....
>USE (lcReportName + '.frx') IN 0
>SELECT (lcReportName)
>*COPY STRUCTURE TO (lcTempReportName) 
>*USE (lcTempReportName)
>* Now copy the FRX data to the new copied table structure
>*APPEND FROM lcReportName
>COPY TO (lcTempReportName)
>USE IN SELECT(lcTempReportName)
>USE IN SELECT(lcReportName)
>RENAME (lcTempReportName + '.DBF') TO  (lcTempReportName + '.FRX')
>RENAME (lcTempReportName + '.FPT') TO  (lcTempReportName + '.FRT')
>*TMT 04/28/2016 Add an extension to duplexreport
>lcAliasName = 'duplexreport' + SYS(2015)
>*TMT 2016/04/14 Assign an alias name so we can easily refer to it later
>*TMT 04/28/2016 Use new duplexreport name
>*USE (lcTempReportName + '.FRX') IN 0 ALIAS duplexreport
>USE (lcTempReportName + '.FRX') IN 0 ALIAS (lcAliasName)
>*TMT 04/28/2016 Select the alias table
>SELECT (lcAliasName)
>*-- Put EXPR in an array
>lnLen = ALINES(laExpr, expr)
>*-- Find the Orientation of the page - this will determine how we wish to duplex the pages - Portrait orientation will need the Vertical Duplex - 2
>*-- Landscape Orientation requires the Horizontal Duplex - 3
>FOR ln = 1 TO lnLen
>	IF LEFT(laExpr[ln], 12) = 'ORIENTATION='
>		lcOrientation = SUBSTR(laExpr[ln],13,2)		&& if duplex_reports is TRUE, then send 2 to printer in the report for duplex, else send 1 for simplex
>*-- Find the DUPLEX= line and change it
>FOR ln = 1 TO lnLen
>	IF LEFT(laExpr[ln], 7) = 'DUPLEX='
>		llFoundDuplex = .T.
>			CASE tlDuplexOn = .F.	&& Turn off the duplexing
>				laExpr[ln] = LEFT(laExpr[ln], 7) + '1'
>			CASE ALLTRIM(lcOrientation) = '0'				&& Portrait - make the Orientation to be Vertical Duplex
>*				laExpr[ln] = LEFT(laExpr[ln], 7) + '3'		&& Send 2 to printer in the report for Vertical duplex
>				laExpr[ln] = LEFT(laExpr[ln], 7) + '2'		&& Send 2 to printer in the report for Vertical duplex
>			CASE ALLTRIM(lcOrientation) = '1'				&& Lanscape - make the Orientation to be Horizontal Duplex
>				laExpr[ln] = LEFT(laExpr[ln], 7) + '2'		&& Send 3 to printer in the report for Horizontal duplex
>*				laExpr[ln] = LEFT(laExpr[ln], 7) + '3'		&& Send 2 to printer in the report for Vertical duplex
>				laExpr[ln] = LEFT(laExpr[ln], 7) + '2'		&& Send 2 to printer in the report for Vertical duplex
>IF NOT llFoundDuplex AND tlDuplexOn
>	lnLen = lnLen + 1
>	DIMENSION laExpr(lnLen)
>		CASE ALLTRIM(lcOrientation) = '0'	&& Portrait - make the Orientation to be Vertical Duplex
>*			laExpr(lnLen) = 'DUPLEX=3'
>			laExpr(lnLen) = 'DUPLEX=2'
>		CASE ALLTRIM(lcOrientation) = '1'	&& Lanscape - make the Orientation to be Horizontal Duplex
>			laExpr(lnLen) = 'DUPLEX=2'
>*			laExpr(lnLen) = 'DUPLEX=3'
>			laExpr(lnLen) = 'DUPLEX=2'
>*-- Convert the array back to a string and save it in EXPR
>lcExpr = ''  
>FOR ln = 1 TO lnLen
>	lcExpr = lcExpr + laExpr[ln] + CHR(13)
>*TMT 2016/04/14 Fix problem of the USE not looking at the lcTempReportName table because of timers firing....
>*REPLACE expr WITH lcExpr 							&& IN (lcTempReportName)
>*TMT 04/28/2016 Select the alias report
>*REPLACE expr WITH lcExpr	IN duplexreport			&& IN (lcTempReportName)
>REPLACE expr WITH lcExpr	IN (lcAliasName)			&& IN (lcTempReportName)
> *-- Close the table
>*TMT 2016/04/14 Fix problem of the USE not looking at the lcTempReportName table because of timers firing....
>*TMT 04/28/2016 Close the duplexreport
>*USE IN SELECT('duplexreport')
>USE IN SELECT(lcAliasname)
>*TMT 2016/04/14 now have the routine select the initial table we were looking at when we started the routine, in case a timer has us looking elsewhere...
>IF NOT EMPTY(lcInitialTable)
>	SELECT &lcInitialTable
>Any other things like this to look for, for accidentally closing a table when it should still be open?
Fernando D. Bozzo
Madrid / Spain

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