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13/06/2016 06:07:05
John Baird
Coatesville, Pennsylvanie, États-Unis
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C# 4.0
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>I'm building my own systems which need no interdependence on 3rd party controls. Its a straight web-site with Angular 2 and seems to work well at this point.

If you're building client heavy applications, I think what you use as the backend is a lot less important than it used to be. For the time being the current .NET stack (pre 'core') is going to be more capable for some time to come until Core catches up feature wise and in terms of third party support. I think then the tables will turn as it's going to be easier to extend and hopefully to a wider audience that includes other non-windows platforms.

For now, sticking with classic ASP.NET is what I would do myself for anything mission critical. For smaller or internal am going to use it to get a good feel how it'll work out in end to end environments.

FWIW, I just pushed out a new blog post this morning that talks about all of this:
ASPNET Core and NET Core Overview

+++ Rick ---

>>>>Yes, go with the new version, but stay away from .NET Core. Depending on your company size, you may be able to get away with the Community Edition. (Check licensing requirements)
>>>Why no .net Core? There is also Visual Studio Code, which I have also been using, and find it really well done.
>>.NET Core is going to be a hard sell for non-bleeding edge developers even when it ships at the end of this month as RTM.
>>While there are very cool features in ASP.NET Core especially in relation to MVC (Tag Helpers, View Components especially), but the eco-system is pretty rough with lack of support for many things. If you rely on third party controls today, that world is severely limited in .NET Core at the moment. THat will change eventually but out of the gate there will be big feature gaps. If you stick with basic stuff - data access and HTML/API generation then it's fine. But if you need to interface with external stuff (other types of Dbs or third party libs for APIs like payment processing, or image processing (no system.drawing) ) you may very well find that things you need are just not there (yet).
>>ASP.NET Core is also a big shift in terms of how applications are put together. You have to know alot more about how the system works as you have to configure everything explicitly and manually using the Dependency Injection system. if you're new to DI, this is going to feel pretty foreign.
>>Also in my experience with .NET Core so far the big benefits of smaller memory footprint and faster performance really haven't materialized. In my informal testing I see ASP.NET Core actually trailing ASP.NET current by at least 10-15% in performance. Again I think that'll change but right now (and we are getting close to RTM) it's not looking like there will be amazing gains in either perf or memory usage.
>>Then there's Entity Framework 7 which is lacking lots of features from EF6 (although it's gotten a lot better in RC2). And there aren't a lot of other options that you can jump to with .NET Core at the moment.
>>That leaves the one big selling point of .NET Core which is that it can run on non-Windows platforms. And surprisingly that actually works rather well - I've taken a couple of medium sized sample apps and been able to run them without changes on a Mac and Linux which is cool, but hardly something I'd do with a real production app.
>>So - I think .NET Core will have a bright future *eventually* but I think right now and at RTM it'll be very much v1.0 technology. Heck I'd say it's more like Beta software even at release. I'm guessing that it will take a v2.0 before .NET Core finds it's stride especially given the announcement of pushing more of the full framework back into .NET Core post RTM.
>>I'm pretty sure that I'm holding off on new projects using .NET Core. I'm not recommending it for any of my customers at the moment unless they are willing to live on the bleeding edge (most don't). It's a good time to try this stuff out and maybe build smaller pet projects, but for production I'd be very wary to take a chance at this point.
>>For most things I'm sticking with ASP.NET 4 and MVC 5 cause I know it works for now.
>>Hope this helps,
>Thanks Rick,
>I'm building my own systems which need no interdependence on 3rd party controls. Its a straight web-site with Angular 2 and seems to work well at this point.
+++ Rick ---

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