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>How about just observing the long lines for early voting in places where the number of early voting days and/or early voting stations has been reduced? One of the easiest ways to suppress voting is to make it hard to vote; waiting in line for hours currently makes it hard.
>Or not requiring an ID makes it easier for illegal immigrants and dead people to vote early and often.

Except that this never happens - as I pointed out 31 times in over 1 billion votes. The GOP uses this scare tactic as a way to convince people who don't know better so they can create illegal voter discrimination laws - as I also already pointed out to you.

Or how adopting a 22 year old jihadi posing as a 12 year old makes it easier for terrorists to infiltrate and hurt this country?

Ok there you go again with your concern over refugees. I've asked you before if you know what is involved in this process - and I guess you wont look into it - so let me explain.

If you’re a refugee, first, you apply through the United Nations High Commission of Refugees, which collects documents and performs interviews. Incidentally, less than 1 percent of refugees worldwide end up being recommended for resettlement, but if you’re one of them, you may then be referred to the State Department to begin the vetting process. At this point, more information is collected, and you’ll be put through security screenings by the National Counterterrorism Center, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security, and if you’re a Syrian refugee, you’ll get an additional layer of screening called the Syria Enhanced Review, which may include a further check by a special part of Homeland Security—the USCIS [United States Citizenship and Immigration Services] fraud detection and national security directorate.
“Then, you finally get an interview with USCIS officers and you’ll also be fingerprinted so your prints can be run through the biometric databases of the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Defense. And, if you make it through all that, you’ll also have health screenings which, let’s face it, may not go too well for you because you may have given yourself a stroke going through this process so far. But, if everything comes back clear, you’ll be enrolled in cultural orientation classes—all while your information continues to be checked recurrently against terrorist databases to make sure that no new information comes in that wasn’t caught before.
All of that has to happen before you get near a plane!
This process typically takes 18 to 24 months once you’ve been referred to the UN by the United States. This is the most rigorous vetting anyone has to face before entering this country. No terrorist in their right mind would choose this path when the visa process requires far less effort.
As reasonable adults, we accept tiny amounts of risk baked into our everyday lives. We drive cars despite knowing around 30,000 of us die in them each year. We go swimming despite the fact 10 people a day die from drowning. Twenty Americans every year are killed by cows, but no one is saying we should expel all cows from the country.
Any rational person knows you cannot completely eliminate risk—you can only manage it, and we do it with peanuts, and cars, and swimming, and hamburgers because we rightly think that they’re worth the risk. And I would argue that, for the tremendous good we could do and the low level of risk involved, refugees are worth it, too.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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