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Creating spreadsheet file with images from report
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Visual FoxPro
Reports & Report designer
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Visual FoxPro:
Windows 10
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Hi Andrus,

>I bought xfrx for PDF creation many years ago.
>When I bought it and even after one-year subscription ended, it didnt support searchable/copyable pdfs, barcode fonts and multiple font charsets in singe pdf, created big pdfs, 200 kb each invoice. Ghostscript didnt have those issues.
>Hopefully those are solved now.

Fonts "Symbol" are not searchable, but many old "symbol" fonts are base on CP 1252.
The size depends if you include all chars from font, subset chars from font.

>I need only fods, ods or similar spreadsheet file with images creation.
>It looks like I must get xfrx all output types option but this has too much features for this and doesnt have source code.
>Only few customers needs spreadsheets with images, for all others excelListener XML SpreadSheet 2003 format is sufficient. All output types does not have source code, understanding and supporting it may be difficult.

If you need export data to xlsx or ods, you can use functions XFRX_CopytoXLSX() and XFRX_CopyToODS()

You can buy package "All output types with source code".

>So not sure is gettting new xfrx best solution.
>Excel allows to save into two different spreadsheet formats:
>Strict Open XML spreadsheet (*.xlsx) - contains one character tag names, cell values are partially are stored in spearate strings file
>OpenDocument Spreadsheet (*.ods) - contains verbose tag names but all cell vlaues are in same file
>LibreOffice allows to save fods format which looks like single xml file containing everything.

No, are outputs:
- XLS, XLSPLAIN (*.xls, Excel 2003),
- NATIVE_FXLSXS, NATIVE_PFXLSXS (*.xlsx, Excel 2007)
- ODS, FODS, PFODS (*.ods, LO/OO Calc)

>Which format try to create ?
>Maybe tag names in ExcelListener and other simple changes can used to create one of those formats ?
>i can also force users to install libreoffice and automate to convert
>ExcleListener XML Spreadsheet 2003 to Opendocument with images format
>Or automate it to create spreadsheet with images from scratch.

Yes, you can program it, long time, or buy XFRX.

>https://github.com/Nico-StackOverflow/proper-spreadsheetml-file-extension contains ods template. Maybe it is possible to add modified ExcelListener output and image files to this template to get ods with images.
>Which is best solution?
>>Hi Andrus,
>>Use XFRX.
>>>Report contains images.
>>>Report has image field with contain tablebase field which contain image file name in temporary directory.
>>>I tried to use Alejando Sosa ExcelListener to create spreadsheet file from it.
>>>Create file does not contain images.
>>>Excellistener creates files Excel 2003 format which is unsupported according to https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa140066(office.10).aspx
>>>According to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2200056/excel-xml-spreadsheet-is-it-possible-to-embed-images this format does not allow images. FoxyPreviewer uses also this format.
>>>I also tried to open html file using file:/// links and data urls but images does not appear in LibraOffice.
>>>How to create spreadsheet (ods or other format) file from foxpro report ?
>>>Open source solution should used since probably some creation customizaton is required.
>>>ods format seems to be best option. It requires to create zip files containing lot of files. Changing Excellistener to create it seems to be lot of work.
>>>Excel/LibreOffice may not installed in client computer so automation cannot used.
>>>Posted also in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40444591/how-to-create-spreadsheet-with-images-from-visual-foxpro-report
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