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Now THIS is refreshing!
10/12/2016 08:01:54
09/12/2016 15:42:38
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>>>I would agree with you - except you suddenly have an interest in the conduct and standards of the president. Does this interest only rise to the surface when the candidate you oppose wins the White House? :)
>>I can't remember a time when Obama did anything even remotely as reckless as the average tweet from Trump.
>Obama is certainly more careful with his words - usually.
>He has been rather reckless with his actions:
>* Obamacare has wrecked millions of family budgets - workers on the edge of poverty had their hours cut - entirely predictable.
>* Obamacare has wrecked my family budget too - I now pay $17,000 per year for health insurance (almost double), but the deductible is so high I can't afford some recently recommended procedures.

So what do you think would have happened without the ACA? I know that our health insurance cost was going up year after year after year, and going up a lot.

Highly recommended read on the subject is Stephen Brill's "America's Bitter Pill." No one comes out looking very good.

>* Toppling Libya and standing down in Iraq left a vacuum that gave the world ISIS.

Blame for Iraq goes to GWB, who insisted on going on, despite there being no evidence of complicity in 9/11. It was also GWB, who set up the pull-out; IIRC, Obama slowed that down.

Libya is ugly. Hard to say what the result of not getting involved would have been, though Syria gives us a hint. Some problems just don't have good solutions.

>* Dodd-Frank and the massive increase in regulations has stifled business, costing millions of jobs.

So maybe it's not the best solutions (see above), but it's what could get passed. New regulations were needed.

>I could go on and on with actions, but back to Obama's words:
>* Obama siding with protesters over police gave us the "Black Lives Matter" movement.
>* The president's support of the protests have discouraged effective policing in minority areas, costing many more black lives than the bad cops did.
>* (The bad cops have NO EXCUSE, but no reasonable person should ignore what happens when police get less aggressive in crime-ridden areas)
>* "Over the Labor Day weekend, Chicago hit that tragic number: 500 homicides. Nearly all of those killed were black men, shot to death in alleys and on street corners by other black men."
>** Chicago Tribune, Dahleen Glanton, Sept 7, 2016

No, Obama siding with protesters didn't create "Black Lives Matter." Police shooting black people unnecessarily and rarely, if ever, being punished for it did. Look at this week and the fact that the cop who shot Walter Scott in the back while he was running away and then put his own taser next to him to imply he (the cop) had been threatened was not convicted despite the thing being caught on tape. My black friends weren't surprised; this is their experience of the US justice system.


>Obama's words as president have consequences - he should never have encouraged this reckless anti-cop movement and the mayhem and loss of life that ensued is his fault.
>Still, none of that excuses Trump's rants - I do hope that Trump learns something from the deaths and violence that have spilled directly from Obama's reckless speech.

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