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Is this really the job of our universities?
15/12/2016 20:02:36
John Baird
Coatesville, Pennsylvania, United States
15/12/2016 07:42:45
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>>>>>>>>Are all the parents who are paying for expensive college educations for their kids paying for this????
>>>>>>>Aren't you the one who was upset about the college kid's being too soft and needing safe places and safe rooms? So I guess your rules only apply if it's about something you agree with huh?
>>>>>>Victor, I do think it is time to stop feeding the trolls. Marcia is only interested to stir things up by rubbing some questionable things into the face of people she does not like. Its absolutely not use to fight her with facts because she won't recognise them (e.g. universal healthcare example). I think there is something wrong with her as her manners got worse of the course of the last 18 months.
>>>>>>I think its best to leave her in the illusion of the world she seems to live in.
>>>>>>Its sad though.
>>>>>It amazes me that you, of all people, claim that people are trolls because they don't agree with your view of the world. Only in your country could you be convicted of using your right to free speech but going a little to far. Unbelievable.
>>>>Care to tell me where free speech is different here than in your country?
>>>LOL... You know exactly what I mean. Free speech is free speech. The right to free speech allows me to say, for example (not true, just saying), I hate muslims, that I believe there should be fewer in the U.S., but in your country, free speech only goes so far, then it becomes "inciting bigotry" (I forget the exact term the court used). Free speech is not free if you are limited to what you can say. (with exceptions of course, like yelling Fire, when there is none, in a crowded theatre.).
>>See other reply... freedom of speech does not equal you can say anything. You have to really know what this is about before making a judgement.
>>And yes, you can say "I hate muslims" here. No problem, because that is your personal feeling. The difference is that Wilders said something else:
>>(willen we meer of minder marrokanen) "Do we want more or less Moroccans" ?? He made sure a few of his allies were in the crowed and made them yell "Less, Less". Then Wilders answered: (Dan gaan we dat regelen) So lets us take care of that.
>>What would happen in the US if Arnie would say: "Do we want more or less blacks" and replies "Let me take care of that" ? I doubt he would walk away without a lawsuit.
>Ach vergeefse moeite. Laat ze maar aanmodderen.

Peudo communicar en otras linguas tambien, Quando estas escribiendo en otra lingua, tratando obscurar sus pensamientos, no gana nada. Yo puedo hablar en 5 linguas, tu?

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