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Positioning window
11/01/2017 16:31:39
11/01/2017 15:58:06
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Visual FoxPro
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WOW!!! that's a lot of code!
Let me try this out today and see if I can get it work within my needs and I will let you know. thanks so much for this Yousfi.


>ok this is the code to position any window given by its caption (title) on the desktop
>it position the left,top,width and height of the window
>try but change the window caption (i suppose your locale is english)
>*--	startig with Listing child windows for the Windows desktop-Nesw2News
>*--adapted to search a specific window done with its title caption .
>*--browse the result with informations on hwnd,window dimensions,title window,visibility,class (as option)
>*--suppose 1 single instance of window with mycaption title.(it takes the first window)
>*--window caption is localized (microsoft windows)...must put the exact localized title to search.change 
>*--titles below (for french locale)
>*--the setwindoxPos API can position any window given by its handlecan set left,top,width & height
>*begin code
>Local mycaption
>*mycaption="Sans titre - Paint"
>*run/n mspaint
>*myCaption="Sans titre - Bloc-notes"
>*run/n notepad
>mycaption="Explorateur de fichiers"  &&warning loclized (here french---in english: files explorer... must be exact title.
>Run/N explorer.Exe
>Inke(3)  &&wait to make window appear for positionning it
>#Define GW_HWNDLAST 1
>#Define GW_HWNDNEXT 2
>#Define GW_CHILD 5
>Do Declare
>Create Cursor csResult (HWnd N(12), isvisible N(1),;
>	leftpos I, toppos I, rightpos I, botpos I, wincap C(100), classname C(64))
>Local hDesktop, hFirstChild, hLastChild, rc, cWinCap, cWinClass,;
>	nVisible, nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom
>hDesktop = GetDesktopWindow()
>hFirstChild = GetWindow(hDesktop, GW_CHILD)
>hLastChild = GetWindow(hFirstChild, GW_HWNDLAST)
>hCurrent = hFirstChild
>Do While .T.
>	cWinCap = GetWinText(hCurrent)
>	cWinClass= GetClsName(hCurrent)
>	nVisible = IsWindowVisible(hCurrent)
>	rc = Repli(Chr(0),16)
>	= GetWindowRect(hCurrent, @rc)
>	nLeft = buf2dword(Substr(rc, 1,4))
>	nTop = buf2dword(Substr(rc, 5,4))
>	nRight = buf2dword(Substr(rc, 9,4))
>	nBottom = buf2dword(Substr(rc, 13,4))
>	***********test searched window here
>	If Allt(Lower(mycaption)) == Allt(Lower(cWinCap))
>		Insert Into csResult Values (hCurrent, nVisible,;
>			nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom, cWinCap, cWinClass)
>	Endi
>	If hCurrent = hLastChild
>		Exit
>	Endif
>	hCurrent = GetWindow(hCurrent, GW_HWNDNEXT)
>*BROWSE NORMAL   NOWAIT    && for isvisible=1
>If Reccount()=0
>	Messagebox("Window ["+mycaption+" ] not found...cancelling",16+4096,"error",1500)
>	Return .F.
>If HWnd=0
>	Messagebox("fails! no window on desktop....cancelling!",16+4096,"error",1500)
>	Return .F.
>*position window here-this is tests for 6 positions
>Local xleft,xtop,xwidth,xheight    &&as you want
>SetWindowPos(m.lnHandle,0, 0,0,m.xwidth+100,m.xheight-50,64)
>SetWindowPos(m.lnHandle,0, 100,0,m.xwidth,m.xheight+100,64)
>SetWindowPos(m.lnHandle,0, 100,300,m.xwidth-50,m.xheight,64)
>SetWindowPos(m.lnHandle,0, 50,500,m.xwidth+100,m.xheight+100,64)
>SetWindowPos(m.lnHandle,0,(Sysmetric(1)-xwidth)/2,(Sysmetric(2)-xheight)/2,m.xwidth,m.xheight,64)  &&centered on screen
>Function GetClsName(hWindow)
>	Local nBufsize, cBuffer
>	cBuffer = Repli(Chr(0), 250)
>	nBufsize = GetClassName(hWindow, @cBuffer, Len(cBuffer))
>	Return Substr(cBuffer, 1, nBufsize)
>Function GetWinText(hWindow)
>	* returns window title bar text -- Win9*/Me/XP/2000
>	Local cBuffer, nResult
>	cBuffer = Space(250)
>	nResult = GetWindowText(hWindow, @cBuffer, Len(cBuffer))
>	Return Substr(cBuffer, 1, nResult)
>Function buf2dword(lcBuffer)
>	Return Asc(Substr(lcBuffer, 1,1)) + ;
>		BitLShift(Asc(Substr(lcBuffer, 2,1)),  8) +;
>		BitLShift(Asc(Substr(lcBuffer, 3,1)), 16) +;
>		BitLShift(Asc(Substr(lcBuffer, 4,1)), 24)
>Procedure Declare
>	Declare Integer GetDesktopWindow In user32
>	Declare Integer GetWindow In user32 Integer HWnd, Integer wFlag
>	Declare Integer GetWindowRect In user32 Integer HWnd, String @lpRect
>	Declare Integer IsWindowVisible In user32 Integer HWnd
>	Declare Integer GetWindowText In user32;
>		INTEGER HWnd, String @lpString, Integer cch
>	Declare Integer GetClassName In user32;
>		INTEGER HWnd, String lpClassName, Integer nMaxCount
>	Declare Integer SetWindowPos In user32;
>		INTEGER HWnd, Integer hWndInsertAfter,;
>		INTEGER x, Integer Y, Integer cx, Integer cy,;
>		INTEGER wFlags
> endproc		
>note : can use findwindow API but i prefer this code .

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