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Betsy Devos is the Secretary of Education
16/02/2017 04:42:18
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>>>>As in Belgium.
>>Thanks- was not aware.
>>IMHO US voting is a bit too Wild West. It probably worked well in olden days when only upstanding citizens dared vote, but we live in different times.
>>Those who provoked the "popular vote" furor cannot act surprised that Trump now insists on investigating voter fraud, which is his easiest way to discredit the whole thing. It's almost certain that some fraud will be uncovered, allowing the Donald to tweet and scold forever about the loss of vigilance by his swamp-dwelling and fake news detractors that left America open to electoral abuse by Russians, Mexican crooks and other enemies of the state. ;-)
>Like all good conspiracy theories voter fraud comes with absolutely no concrete evidence. Possibly some individuals vote more than once but an organised campaign of multiple voting seems very unlikely. It does seem like there will be an effort to make voting harder which may hit democrat voters more. Maybe you'll be required to prove membership of an up market country club like Mar-a-Lago before you can vote. After all why should wealth creators only have the same voting power as the little people.

We must return to the original thoughts of our founding fathers, and only allow rich white men the right to vote. When our nation was founded, Catholics, Jews, Quakers , women, blacks, Asians, and Indians were barred from voting. Everyone knows that the founding fathers realized that the masses should not have the right to vote. After all, only the rich know what is best for everyone! (ie. themselves! :) )

The lot of those who are not eligible to vote restricts them to supplying bodies to the army to insure the continued existence of the rich, as well as working in the fields, cleaning the manure from the streets, and insuring the rich have a proper place in the world. One must appreciate the rich and aspire to become wealthy at any cost to anyone in your path.

Evoke passages from the Bible to assure others of your righteousness and self afflicted superiority. Take advantage of everyone around you for no one is your equal. This is the land of opportunity and you must seize your position or fall to the wayside.

Do not dare for a moment to attempt to assist your fellow man or have empathy for him/her. That is a sign of weakness and not the American way. Should you stoop to such endeavors you will forever be branded un-American.

Look at what those heathen Catholics did when they came in great numbers from 1845 on. Why they actually provided free medical care to those who could not afford it! That is not the way of God. You are here to suffer. Only those with the money to afford medical care should receive it. This country was founded by Protestant principles and we must only allow persons who are Protestants to exist or influence our great nation.

Be sure to display your hypocrisy by worshiping God on Sunday. The other six days of the week must be devoted to oneself and acquiring more wealth. You can always find a passage in the Bible to justify your actions. For every yes in the bible, there is also a no for the same topic. You are allowed to choose what any passage means. If members of your church do not agree with you then start your own church. That is why there are over 30,000 different Protestant Denominations in this country.

The real question is why vote? Those in power and the rich know what is best for everyone. If you doubt this just ask them! :)

A friend of mine who is a Korean War Veteran refuses to vote. He told me: "I don't want to encourage the bastards"!

Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos imposed a law before his last election: Everyone from age 12 up will vote or go to jail. If they had such a law here I think things would remain the same. That is there would not be a great voter turn out. People are too disenchanted with the “system”, and trying to survive. Then we would have about 100 million people in jail. The authorities would love that. Think of all the fun they would have.

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