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Day 25
27/04/2017 11:21:11
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Re: Day 25
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>>>I'm happy to say that my daughter and I did a successful 11 hour VFP to .NET/SQL Server conversion stint at a Long Island client this past Tuesday (the day of the deluge)
>>>I haven't done one of those marathons in a long time and I slept most of the next day, but it's nice to know that the old bones can still do it.
>>PMFJI. I am very interested to know more details about your .NET/SQL Server application. If you don't mind my asking these questions:
>>1. Did you choose a web .NET application to replace the VFP app? or WinForms?
>>2. Does the .NET/SQL Server application have the same look and feel as VFP application? Or you had to change a lot in the UI of the application?
>>Thank you in advance for sharing.
>This was really complicated - hence the 11 hours- because we converted the client from one accounting system - DBF to another - SQL and simultaneously brought in a lot of new .NET winform custom apps that use the data from the new accounting system in the customer's sales and factory production systems.
>If anyone needed a reason to get off .dbf's looking at what my daughter had to go through converting legacy dbf's that had gone through multiple crashes should convince them.
>For back office operations, Winform/SQL Server is my platform of choice.
>It's rock solid.
>No one wants to say it, but I will - the browser is a primitive platform that's great for certain tasks but in order to even approach what I get with Winform would take budgets at least 10 times the Winform budget and would still be weaker.
>One the other hand, we do a lot of simple queries and data collection for clients with the browser using ASP.NET or PHP/Mysql.
>Lately I've been leaning toward PHP/MySQL.
>It's reminiscent of my days with DBASE on CPM. It looked great at the time, but in retrospect is was pretty primitive stuff.


Thank you for your reply. I have already converted my VFP application to SQL Server backend (thanks to Cursor Adapter). And it works very well. But now I am contemplating the conversion to WinForms or Web (still in the consideration). As I mentioned to Michel, mostly so that I can find someone younger to take over the maintenance of the application when I retire (if I retire :))
"The creative process is nothing but a series of crises." Isaac Bashevis Singer
"My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all." Oscar Wilde
"If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too." W.Somerset Maugham

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