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119 days - 586 false and misleading claims
22/05/2017 21:14:59
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., Nouvelle Zélande
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>>>Yes, an opinion that puts the numbers in context. Clearly, the press coverage has been (probably the most) negative towards Trump. But, his total disregard for the facts puts him in direct conflict with news media, unlike any other before.
>First sentence should read an opinion that puts the numbers in your preferred context. Because "total disregard for the facts" is your own prejudice. There's nothing in the measured numbers that justifies this statement and nothing I've seen that allocates POTUS a total or even partial disregard for the facts.

It is the context in which the publishers of the study you cited see the numbers. You cited a study on media coverage. The numbers show the negativity, but why so?
There have been other presidents that had low approval rating at this stage (maybe none as low as Trump), but for different reasons. When the news media is supposed to report on facts, and the president is answering with "alternative facts", that creates a direct conflict. Do media outlets pick facts that reflect negatively on Trump? Well, yeah. What else is new? However, even though exaggerated, the media coverage is prompted by his behavior.

>>>Fact: He's made numerous false and misleading claims. What kind of coverage do you think that is going to prompt in the media?
>For my edification, can you name a few?
>What I've seen is that the MSM pounces on stuff and misrepresents. An example would be Trump's assessment of numbers at his inauguration, based on his vantage at the front. Here's a sample image that actually has a better/higher vantage than the man walking in the middle of the image. To your eye from this better vantage: is the whole place full back to the monument?
>IMHO a reasonable person might understand what the man walking down the middle would have seen, and why he concluded what he did. Instead, the MSM pounces on it triumphantly, gives prominence to images from the other end, tries to humiliate him, and claims it as ammunition that he disregards facts. The whole thing actually is a nit that has been blown up into a big deal by catastrophists. The "586 false and misleading claims" follows the same tactic that seems to be drawn from Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."

That was a story I didn't care much about. Anyway, everyone could see that the crowd seen from above looked different. So what? But, the story was after something else: to show the attendance was a lot less than at Obama's inauguration. Humiliation? Trump should be able to handle it. He was the one who insisted for 2 years that Obama should show his birth certificate.
Anyway, after Trump was shown the pictures from above, he should have admitted that the numbers may not have been as glorious as he had seen them. With his reaction after that, he only humiliated himself. Of course, my opinion.
I have not read all the "586 false and misleading claims", and I assume you haven't either. There are some rated 3 or 4 Pinocchio's there, worth reading. But, here is a shorter, more compelling list for the first 100 days.

>Only if you rely on the MSM that (as noted in the Harvard citation) has largely ignored Trump's executive orders so far, apart from the ones that were overturned by lower courts, that were widely celebrated. What about all the rest? People are too busy promising each other that he's going to be impeached or whatever other insult du jour is being flung around, to check out the stuff he's actually doing.

Here is a list of 10 bills introduced. Which of these, or how much, do you think Trump's supporters favored when they voted for him? Pick one, and let's see how much discussion is that going to generate.

1. HR 861 Terminate the Environmental Protection Agency
2. HR 610 Vouchers for Public Education
3. HR 899 Terminate the Department of Education
4. HJR 69 Repeal Rule Protecting Wildlife
5. HR 370 Repeal Affordable Care Act
6. HR 354 Defund Planned Parenthood
7. HR 785 National Right to Work (this is about unions)
8. HR 83 Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Bill
9. HR 147 Criminalizing Abortion (“Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act”)
10. HR 808 Sanctions against Iran

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