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119 days - 586 false and misleading claims
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>>>>>> Not so true anymore as society has realized the error in thinking this way. In regards to pot, Sessions has repeatedly said that it has zero benefits at all - and of course we all know that is simply untrue.
>>>It has some medical benefit for those who have issues with other painkillers. Doctors should be allowed to prescribe it for adults when other painkillers fail. But beyond that, it has no benefit whatsoever.
>>Oooh no no no. You need to read up on that. You can start by learning about a strain called Charlotte's Web and who Charlotte Figi is. It's an example of some that's high cannabidiol (CBD), low tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cannabis extract. I assure you that if you were in her parent's shoes you'd be singing a different tune.
>>If you think cannabis has no other benefits than a substitute painkiller you're way off. it's well known to help our vets with PTSD - (but of course they can't get a recommendation from their VA doctors because it's a federal agency)
>Let me clarify - I acknowledge it has other medicinal benefits. It's known primarily for painkilling benefits when other painkillers fail - but yes, it has other medical benefits. I remember the Figi case. Believe me, I used to get in some hot debates with John Harvey about the medicinal value of marijuana.
>But again, it needs to be prescribed by a licensed physician. Period. Otherwise (and this is the one area where I agree with John Harvey), it gives many....including teens.....access to it that they shouldn't have. There is nothing recreational about "recreational" use - it is damaging on many levels when used by morons.

Pretty much anything is damaging when improperly used - and some things that are legal (like booze) are actually more harmful that marijuana.
But my whole argument is that Sessions is wrong when he claims that it has no medical benefit - and at first you seemed to agree with that, and now you're saying there are indeed benefits. If Sessions had his way, Charlotte Figi would most likely be dead, and those who have saved her life would be sent to prison for decades - and actually could get life sentences. And all those vets with PSTD that use it would be sitting in jail cells too. Not only is he simply factually incorrect, he also has no morals or compassion in regards to these people. Furthermore if you think making it illegal is somehow going to prevent teenagers from getting a hold of it (or anyone else for that matter) - history has shown that is incorrect. If you take a look at the countries where it's legal you'll see they have less of a problem than we do when it comes to abuse of the drug. It's the DEA ruled marijuana is still a schedule 1 drug - so that means it's considered by them as dangerous as LSD and heroin. Only a moron would think that weed is a dangerous as heroin. One can speculate as to why the DEA would want to keep pot as a schedule 1 drug - but none of the reasons are to benefit the citizens. Lastly - even today pot can't be perscribed by a licensed physician - all they can do is give a recommendation for it. And as I pointed out, the doctors that work for the VA ...since they work for the federal government --- they can't even do that.
There is also a huge cost to our society by continuing to keep it illegal. Did we not learn anything from when we tried to outlaw booze? You ended up with guys like Capone becoming rich - and we're still dealing with the result of how powerful the Mafia became as a result of all that even today. So now you end up with Mexican drug lords with billions of dollars & private armies ...thus massive amounts of killings and violence. So where do you wan the money from all this to end up? You want folks like El Chapo to get it all? And do you want to ruin the lives of millions of people by giving them pointless criminal convictions on their record? At some point you have to admit that the harm caused by getting caught with a little bit of weed is actually more damaging to the person that the pot itself. The list goes on and on and on. In 1970 only 12% of the population thought pot should be legal in some form or another - now that number is 70%. The old-out-of-touch people like Sessions who refuse to listen to the science and the facts on the subject are disappearing (thankfully).
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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