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ACLU is with Trump :)
16/08/2017 16:40:12
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>>>I agree with what you are saying. I don't like Nazis but since the Constitution guarantees them the freedom of assembly and expression of their view, I will not go fight them.
>My understanding is that around 200 self-described Neo-Nazis and people wearing KKK hats, mostly from out of state, turned up to this protest. The rest were locals who didn't invite those others and reasonably shouldn't be lumped in with them.
>An unknown number of Antifa and other violent groups also turned up, mostly from out of state, to rumble not with just the 200, but all of the protestors. Antifa has a track record of using violence to interfere in peaceful exercise of civil rights, so no surprise there.
>Is it reasonable to label the protest as a White Supremecist/Neo-Nazi event, with protestors entirely responsible for violence?
>That's the question Trump seems to hint at. I guess we'll see. I'm with Trump that there's no obligation to pile on blaming, especially if you only have one side of a story.
>As for those idiots wearing the KKK hats: US society marginalized and ridiculed them successfully for decades until their presence suited a certain narrative, at which point they suddenly were given publicity and free oxygen. A reasonably reciprocation of blaming would be that the MSM are responsible for any escalation of KKK violence because they are the ones restoring credibility to this ridiculous Democrat tradition.

IMHO, Trump is an egocentric idiot but not a racist. He does not know how to talk or write without offending one side or the other. I blame the moronic democrats who could not nominate a normal person. Anybody but HRC would beat Trump easily. But now the country has a piñata :)
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"My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all." Oscar Wilde
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