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ACLU is with Trump :)
16/08/2017 20:17:00
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>>>Except one statue is of the guy who was a traitor and tried to destroy the country that the other two created and was willing to fight for the side that wanted to keep slaves. Do you understand the difference here? You don't see statues of Hitler in Germany do you? Yet everyone seems to remember the guy....geeeze man. The traitor could of been a general for the good guys if he wanted - but he did not he picked the wrong side.
>You said "The fact that racism is so embedded into into our society that you are unable to grasp the significance of having monuments to traitors and slave owning racists or forcing black children to go to a school named after one of these dirtbags is disturbing."
>Hence my response. Washington and Jefferson both meet your "slave owning racist" definition and your charming "The fact that racism is so embedded into into our society that you are unable to grasp.." attack on Dimitri confirms my interpretation. I get that you want to pretend you said something else so you can roll your eyes in domineering fashion at me as well as your original target, but that's not what happened.
>If you're now saying that your objection is to his being a "traitor" then yes, he's a traitor because the North won, and the victor writes the history books. But defeats carry valuable lessons too. I hate to think what you'd think of the ANZAC commemorations of a disastrous attack on Gallipoli in Turkey.

If you do not understand the difference between Robert E. Lee and George Washington you're never going to grasp this rather simple concept. If you do not understand racism in the USA or the symbolic difference between and American flag vs a Confederate flag (or statue of Confederate general vs American president) then you will not grasp this simple concept. If you do not understand that Robert E. Lee chose to fight on the side that wanted to keep slavery and then fought to the point of 100,000's of people died and is a symbol of hate and racism then you will not grasp the simple concept. You logic here is akin to throwing a fit because a Jewish German kid doesn't want to go to the Adolf Hitler High School and see a bunch of jackasses saving around swastika flags in the name of their German heritage. I think you just don't understand a few things here - perhaps it's because you're not from here, I dunno - but obviously you have some serious misunderstandings or have not studied such things involving USA history and society.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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