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>>There is no question that the NRA is part of the problem, and sure as hell is NOT part of the solution. Like I said before - their goal is to have as many guns out there with as little oversight as possible. Frankly they like it when these mass shootings happen -- you notice that the gun sales and the stock prices of gun manufactures goes up ever time this happens right? So yes there is more than a few slogans - it's bribes and greed at its fullest at the cost of American lives. It's about as low as one can go. Call it demonizing the demon.
>Victor, it's really tempting to say what I'd say to you in person. But for right now, I'll just say this - this moral shaming of the NRA is why you are left with the president you (and I) are left with.

No. We are left with Trump because the American voter is stupid.

>Jimmy Kimmel has been dishing out the moral outrage on his show. Now, I don't think he's all that funny nor do I think he's all that clever. However, I certainly realize that he wants a peaceful society and wants everyone to be healthy. Just because I don't agree with his views and find his conclusions to be faulty, doesn't mean I think he somehow wants to see gun violence and sick babies so that he can make political fodder out of it. I believe his sincerity, just not his conclusions.

Jimmy Kimmel is was not trying to be funny - he was trying to make a point. In the case of health care he wanted people to know the truth because the GOP was lying about it. Jimmy Kimmel does not have lobbyist bribing senators for votes and policies that are actually harmful to people like the NRA. I do not think you can compare a comedian speaking the truth about the evils of senators making laws that take healthcare away from 30million people or senators unwillingness to do ANYTHING to help with the gun deaths in this country to a group that peddles in making sure there are as many guns on the streets with as little oversight as possible like the NRA does. I do not believe the sincerity on a congressman saying he feels sorry for victims families when at the same damn time their response to actually DOING something about it and creating some laws to address the problem is to say "now is not the time" -- and since there is more than 1 mass shooting a day, that time will never come. I don't buy that line of crap for one second and neither should anyone else. They're just bought by the NRA and gun manufactures and that is just too bad for the victims cause they just don't really give a crap about the victims or the future victims. And what exactly are these 'conclusions' you don't agree with anyway? You don't agree that millions would loose their health insurance? You don't agree that some of these senators are doing nothing about the gun problem? YOu don't agree that they just passed a law to make it easier for people with mental problems to get a gun? You don't agree that they allow guns to be bought online and at gun shows with no background checks? You don't agree that the NRA and it's lobbyist are in great part responsible for all of this? There is no debatable conclusions here Kevin.

>So why the other side (you, Kimmel, for instance) insist on saying that since you don't agree with the NRA (or Republicans on ACA), that they somehow rejoice in seeing mass shooting or lower incoming people losing health just blows my mind.

What I said was that the gun manufactures (and thus their lobbyist and NRA) make more money when there is a mass shooting because gun sales to up. That is a fact. Now unless you think a viable business does not like their profits to go up I don't see how you can think any differently. They sure as hell are not doing anything to help reduce the gun violence are they? No - in fact they're doing the exact opposite. If they did not like this type of thing happening then they would do something about it instead of enabling it go get worse. duh.

>This "they like it when these mass shootings happen" is something I'd expect from a freshman in college who has listened to a hippie professor too many times.

They for sure like the results of it though don't they? -- sales go up and they pay millions to lobbyist to make sure it keeps happening.

>It's that kind of moral shaming that lost HRC the election.

No. HRC lost the election because the American voter is stupid. Anyone who thought Trump would make a better president that HRC had one hell of a dumb thought (as is being proven daily).
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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