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Washingto Post article on Trump Dossier and HRC/DNC
25/10/2017 17:43:40
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>>>I wasn't saying that the DNC didn't have anything to do with it - the reporting seems pretty solid. But the GOP is at fault here too as their the ones that started with Fusion GPS to begin with - right?
>Depends who you listen to. While DNC and HRC campaigns are referenced by name as procurers, some versions say it was started by "a Republican" rather than the GOP. But even it was the GOP, 2 wrongs don't make a right- and they quit before publication, unlike those other hypocrites.

Ok those are valid points - but quitting before publication doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things - the intent was still there.

>>>Correct. But this doesn't absolve the Trump administration from their part in this (or any of the other Russia connections), nor does it do anything to disprove the contents of what the dossier found.
>You're in the US, not France, so you, the accuser, must prove your case. You don't get to make wild accusations that your target has to defend or it must be true. That systematic smearing caused Mueller to be appointed still doesn't subvert the presumption of innocence. Trump doesn't have to disprove anything until somebody provides any sort of evidence. Are you not concerned that despite months of multiple investigations, nothing has surfaced and the MSM has moved onto greener fields? They're even turning on the HRC campaign that they once fawned over so shamelessly. Does this not tell you something?

Yes - it tell's me a few things. For one it tells me that some people are unwilling to admit the obvious - but also when it comes to the Mueller investigation...these things take time. As you said it's only been a few months and this type of investigation can take a lot longer....and they're secretive about the investigation as well. But even so, take a look at the things we already know for sure when it comes to folks like Flynn, Manafort, Trump Jr, etc. Hell you got Trump Jr admitting it in his emails.

>>>...but all that describes Trump - unless you don't believe that he thinks he's the smartest person in the room when it fact he is a dumbass.
>Is he? What does that say about the dumbasses that couldn't defeat him despite every conventional advantage in the book, or who now have been caught conducting a venal smear, lying, breaking election laws, even colluding with Russians to influence an election- yes, everything they accused Trump of.

What it tells me is that the American voter is a dumbass.

>Can we not agree that these sorts of dirty tricks aren't necessary if the target is as deficient as they say?

No. In order to get elected a republican (especially in AZ next election) you must run a dirty-smear type of campaign...and sadly it's a proven statistical fact that negative campaign ads are more successful than positive ones - again the American voter is stupid.

>>>On the bright side at least the dems and GOP did something bipartisan hahahaha
>Only one of them harvested a thing of value from foreigners, lied about it, got it released and then kept drumming it up without revealing it was their own vicious hit. Remember HRC calling Trump Putin's puppet in the presidential debate? That was based on her own vicious smear whose release she knew would be timed to maximize damage. And they leaked it through McCain if rumors are to be believed. Oh, how they must have gloried in their own swamp cleverness perpetrating such a smear without being caught. Or so they thought. A Shakespearean "hoist by their own petard" may yet be the culmination of this tragedy.

First of all you don't know if anything of value was harvested from any foreigners by the Trump campaign (although it's pretty obvious they did) -- and secondly - there is this thing called 'intent' that you seem to be forgetting..yes?
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