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Manafort and Gates busted, Papadopoulos pleads guilty
31/10/2017 17:27:29
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>>>But that is not what happened nor is it what he was charged with. Papadopoulos, while working for Trump as foreign policy adviser, had contacts with the Russians - then lied to the FBI about it - which is what he pled guilty too.
>For clarity- he didn't "work" for the Trump campaign as that term is usually understood. He was a volunteer. I agree it may be lies, but here's the version of the then-campaign manager:
>“From what I recall, George was a low-level volunteer who might have attended a meeting of the foreign advisory team, the one meeting who took place,” Lewandowski told the NBC News’ Today show. “But he was not a person who was involved with the day-to-day operations of the campaign, or a person who I recall interacting with on a regular basis at all.”

Right - of course at this time they're going to do whatever they can to distance themselves from the guy and attempt to downplay any involvement he had with the Trump team.

>>>Soooo - while Trump was on Twitter insisting that the indictment of former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was meaningless because it involved activities unrelated to Trump or the campaign - the news of this broke. This is actually a much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment.
>Yes, it could be a big problem if he "worked" for the campaign or was encouraged to participate in Russian interference by somebody who did "work" for the campaign- though I expect he'll be cast as an "intermediary" to sanitize corruption like the rest of the swampers. But my pick is he's another silly naive boy hoping to gain kudos via Russian dirt. And as KG asked: why was a silly volunteer spearheading receipt of emails in whose hacking the Trump campaign is alleged to have participated?!

He worked for the campaign and emailed everyone else about setting up meetings with the Russians to pursue illegal activities. Surely you understand the problem with this?

>>>It reflects on Trumps lack of judgment in inability (or unwillingness) to properly vet people. This isn't like a parking ticket or something - it's a dozen federal crimes (so far) -- and based on my understanding it appears some of these charges had to be done pretty quickly as the statute of limitations was about to expire - so I wouldn't be surprised if there are more charges for this guy in the future.
>Trump should have asked you, because Manafort previously had been senior advisor to presidential campaigns of Ford, Reagan, G W Bush, and Dole, and was highly recommended in Republican circles. August 2016, 2 months after his appointment, is when allegations of secretive dealings were first published. Trump's first security briefing was 17 August and he announced acceptance of Manafort's resignation 2 days later. Obviously this is not good enough for you and he really should have consulted you, because of course you knew all about what Manafort secretly had been up to.

I am not an expert at vetting government officials - and it's well known that Trump doesn't listen to anyone's advice. He's what you call an askhole - someone who asks for your opinion then just ignores it. In cause you've missed the news flash Trump is incompetent.

> >>That makes no sense as it is not at all what's happened here.
>It's exactly what happened here. Papadopoulos was a neophyte without insight to "know what he didn't know" who screwed up and tried to lie his way out of it. Manafort allegedly has been rorting the taxpayer and not properly declaring foreign patronage for years. But they both got a finger on Trump and you are running away screaming delightedly.

Ok did you read what Papadopoulos plead guilty too AND all the foot notes? cause either you missed that or are choosing to ignore it. - you are running away by sticking your head in the sand.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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