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Manafort and Gates busted, Papadopoulos pleads guilty
02/11/2017 15:35:03
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>>>Generally the judge will go along with what the prosecutor suggests in cases like this (that way than can get people to cooperate in the future as they see there is light at the end of the tunnel.
>Yep. If there's a guilty plea and offered/accepted sentence, there's nobody to appeal if the sentence is at the lower end of the statutory range. Easy decision for the judge. More care needed if there's a proposal to depart from (go below) the statutory minimum, but seasoned campaigner Mueller will craft a submission that makes that easy for the judge too.
>>>I dunno - I think Papadopoulos, even if he had little to offer, probably has been able to get a heck of a lot more to offer since his secret arrest last July - and there are records of him emailing Manafort and 3 or 4 other high-level members of the Trump team about getting dirt on HRC from the Russians. -- so right there you have the tie to Manafort and Russia - something which Trump will either divert attention from by creating some other Trump-made-disaster or use his favorite 'that is fake news' line of b.s.
>Hey Victor- how are you getting on re getting dirt on Bill F from the Russians? I have a Russian contact with thousands of photos of Bill cavorting with porn stars, who wants to meet you asap.
>Is that proof that you are conspiring with Russians to trash Bill? No. There needs to be a response confirming conspiracy. I agree that if Papadopoulos didn't already have one, he may have worn a wire or tried to shake one loose during his co-operation with Mueller. Whether any such target would be silly enough to incriminate themselves during a special investigation, isn't clear yet. Presumably anybody who knew of his efforts to set up Russian meetings would perceive him as a weak link/poison chalice during the investigation and would try to distance themselves. Wouldn't you?

No it's the thinking that Trump would make a good president and the unwillingness to admit that was a mistake and the denial of Trump's incompetence that irks me....but moving on....The court filings indicate that Papadopoulos emailed “another high-ranking campaign official” on May 21, 2016, with the subject line “Request from Russia to meet Mr. Trump.” Manafort forwarded Papadopoulos’s email to another campaign official, stating: “We need someone to communicate that DT is not doing these trips,” referring to a trip to Russia. “It should be someone low level in the campaign so as not to send any signal.”. Put that in context with what they're talking about and it's pretty serious...and that's just a tiny tiny part of all the court docs -- this article does a pretty decent job of laying out who’s who in the George Papadopoulos court documents -- or at least the docs that have been released up to this point.


And yes I understand the attempts by people to distance themselves, but that doesn't change the facts...and it would seem clear that those who choose to go around and actually tell lies regarding this in an attempt to skew how close they really were are just making matters worse for themselves and end up appearing more guilty than they would of if they'd just kept their mouth shut to begin with. None of any of this is going to end well for those involved in this mess, and it's becoming doubtful that Trump's presidency is going to last the whole 4 year term.

>>>I mean the guy got on national TV and did an interview and said he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation (ya know...admitted obstruction). What a freakn moron.
>Care to remind us *exactly* what he did say (which I agree cut across his spokespeople and was pretty gratuitous, fwiw)

Here is the interview

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