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Trump - schmump - Listen to this idot
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>>Yeah this guy is in my top 10 list of worst members of congress. Not only do is policies suck, but as you can see he can be quite reckless. Playing chicken with North Korea is reckless, and his idea's on how to deal with it are just as dumb as the things Trump's been saying. First thing that needs to happen is that the USA needs to simply admit the fact that yes, like it or not, North Korea is a nuclear power. Kim Jong-un is not ever going to give his nukes - all he has to do is point to what happened to Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi to validate why he feels he needs them. ... so if the USA can just bring themselves to admit the inevitable (or I guess in some aspects the current) situation that they have nukes, then you can ATTEMPT to bring them into the fold of the other nations that have them and work within the international community to keep things calm and actually have some dialogue to bring North Korea more into the step with the international community. This dipshit Linsey Graham saying that 'we will go it alone' and basically saying to-bad-for-you Seoul South Korea (along with the rest of the peninsula) and willing to see 10's of millions of people die to prove a point is dangerous, reckless, and reeeallllly really stupid.
>>But the American voter is stupid so expect to see him re-elected.
>Victor, it's amazing - truly amazing - that you'll criticize American voters as stupid for electing Trump, and yet you'll provide justification for North Korea violating international laws.

Yeooo I'm not justifying what they're doing - I'm merely saying WHY Kim Jong-un doing it - in his mind he needs the nukes so he doesn't end up like Saddam and Muammar. One has to face the facts that they're NEVER going to give up their nukes. Until we face that reality zero progress can be made.

>Do you need to be reminded that Saddam Hussein was paying families of Palestinian suicide bombers, was responsible for the deaths of nearly 100,000 Kurds in NW Iraq, was repeatedly violating the terms following the Gulf war...

I'm not justifying what Saddam or Muammar did either - I'm just pointing out that we went in and ousted a couple of dictators - and if they would of had nukes we might not of been so eager to attempt to do that - this is the logic of Kim Jong-un.

>Do you really think North Korea will work with the international community?

I know for sure they will not work with the International community if no one will talk to them unless they cough up their nukes (which is never going to happen). The only plausible shot you have at that right now is admit they have nukes and are going to keep them, then attempt to bring them into the fold of the other nuclear countries and share inspections and be part of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - which they were part of from 1974 until they pulled out of it in 1994 - so it's not as far fetched as one might be led to believe. If you begin negotiations from this angle vs Trump telling short fat little rocket man we will completely destroy you while speaking at the U.N. or Lindsey Graham saying we will go to war even if it means you wipe out Seoul in national T.V., you stand a hell of a lot better chance at success. You start like that - then eventually it can work into something where sanctions can be lifted as more agreements arise. Now if the American voter wasn't so stupid they'd of known that a clown like Trump doesn't have the mental capacity let alone the statesmanship to deal with anything like this and not of voted for this racist womanizing dumbass.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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