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Trump - schmump - Listen to this idot
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>>>>>>>Responses like Victor's are common. My dear friend Mike still can't accept the fact that people could be so stupid as to elect Obama twice.
>>>>>>>It took me almost a year to accept the fact that Bush had been re-elected.
>>>>>>>If Victor is as smart as I think he is, he'll eventually start looking at why so many people disagreed with him.
>>>>>>I detested Obama's positions, yet I fully understood at the time why people voted for him.
>>>>>Just before the 2008 primary I was asked by my most liberal friend if I though that she should vote for Obama or HRC. I told her that I didn't know about Obama but I was sure that HRC was for sure a liar and if I had to vote for one or the other I'd vote for Obama. She did vote for Obama. As for Bill Clinton, for being probably the biggest scuzzball that ever served as president I think he did a pretty good job. HRC is just a scuzzball with no talent.
>>>> you've never looked into any of HRC's accomplishments then. She's known as one of the hardest working people ever to be in government.
>>>No I haven't.
>>Ok - then you can't really say you don't think she accomplished much since you have no clue whatsoever what those might be.
>>Take about 1/2 and google it -- you'll find a rather large list of things and I suspect you'll be impressed.
>>>Don't go back to Cattlegate or travelgate or Rose law firm records that she never saw but had her fingerprints on them. Maybe you could start with a list of all the great bills she authored when she was a senator. Or maybe quote me some of her outstanding accomplishment as Sec. State - start with the "Reset" button to the Russian through the attack on her helicopter and Benghazi and maybe up to the $145 million payoff from the Russians. The only hard work HRC ever did was to make HRC rich.
>>OMG you're surely not talking about the Uranium deal are you?yo
>O.K. so I know she started off as a Goldwater girl and I'm giving her credit for that. But, since you are such an supporter and I remember you when you were in Florida trying to figure out court records(worst database I've ever seen) and I think in Jacksonville doing pages for "Body Central" I thought maybe you could help an old friend out.

Yeah that Body Central company is Jacksonville ended up going out of business - that was disappointing, left a lot of people without jobs seeing how they had 250 or so stores all over the USA. I left a year or so before that happened right after I learned that the CIO had stabbed us all in the back and screwed everyone by negotiating a contract with his friends software company to develop new software -- then lied to us all saying we would have access to the source code when the contract clearly said it did not. As soon as I found that out (in a meeting no less) - I demanded to see the contract - read it -- then went to my office and gathered up my things and quit right on the spot. The CIO got canned before I even had time to clear out my desk & they tried to get me to stay - but I'd had enough and duuuhhh seeing how I was a programmer and we no longer had a program what the hell did they think I was going to do there? It was a shame - the job didn't pay the best but the other people that worked there in the office were really nice and some had worked there for over 30 years. They also stiffed me on a $5,000 bonus I was supposed to get after the first year claiming that the new CEO wasn't responsible to keep the agreements the CEO that had hired me had made, even though it was in writing. Went from a good company to one run by some jerks real quick - and the end result was they went completely out of business.

>On the Serious side,
>I didn't know about your accident until the other day when I read your post. I sincerely hope your recovery is as complete as possible and that we can argue for many years in the future until then "Hold no quarter"- I can take it.

Thanks. Considering what happened I think I'm quite lucky. When I first regained consciousness at the crash site and looked down I was pretty convinced that my leg was a goner and would not be able to be saved. The doctors that put me back together did a wonderful job of not only saving my leg - but now I'm walking around and running just fine (not as far as before yet of course) - and can surf some waves again too. There will always be a tid-bit of pain with it -- but I've had friends with back pain and other ailments that I bet are dealing with more pain than me. I don't need to take any narcotic pain meds for it either. My head has healed up as well - only thing is that I seem to of lost a lot my sense of smell and with it my sense of taste is diminished some too - but by looking at me you'd never know anything had ever happened. More great work by great doctors. All this puts me in the 'pre-existing-conditions' category now when it comes to insurance though - hopefully I won't end up getting screwed too bad over that in the near future.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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