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Judge Moore
10/12/2017 12:22:28
09/12/2017 21:25:15
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>>>>ABC News: Beverly Young Nelson admitted that she added “notes” beneath what she says is Roy Moore’s signature in her high school yearbook.
>>>step back a minute, Sammie.
>>>You're an accomplished, thoughtful man and I'm privileged to be able to have this discourse with you.
>>>Would you be comfortable leaving your fourteen year old granddaughter alone in a room for prolonged periods with this man?

I do have a 14 year old granddaughter and I wouldn't let ANY man that I didn't know very well be alone with her. He would also have to know me well enough to know that I would hold him personally responsible for her well- being. He would also know that if anything like what Judge Moore is alleged to have done happened whether by him or anyone else that I would appoint myself judge, jury and administrator of punishment. I don't make idle threats.

>>>Listen to someone on the other side of the aisle who blinked when the pervert molested a White House intern, and blinked when Lady Macbeth said that what people said about the deviate was a right wing conspiracy.
>>>Ideological blindness comes with a price.
>>>Check this out.
>>>This man is human refuse.
>>>Reject him.
>>>It was difficult for me to pull the lever for Trump, but my party was making the same mistake that your party is making when it nominated an evil person.
>>>Evil people, no matter their ideology, are evil.

The voters of Alabama are faced with another of those binary situations. If I were to vote in Alabama I would vote against Jones. The way I see it a vote for Jones would cause irreversible damage if he is elected and follows Schumer for the next 2 years. Moore on the other hand - whether a "scuzzball" or not- would probably vote for legislation I approve of. I think that at most 2 of the “charges “against Moore are even possibly valid. As for the other “charges” I might charge sexism on the part of anyone who believes a 17 year old male (with parents’ approval) can volunteer to go into the armed forces and a 17 year old female can’t decide who she wants, of any age, to date. If the charges against Moore are later proven (like Gloria Allred turning over the yearbook for a neutral investigation for starters) he would be either forced to resign and the Governor of Alabama would appoint another republican to take his place or he would be defeated in 2 years.

>>..and the GOP has given him their full support as has Trump. The fact Trump is supporting him should be of no surprise. One does not have to look into Moore's record to hard to figure out that he should not be an elected official...but then again the same was true for Trump and since the American voter is stupid, you can expect this dirtbag to be elected.
>The left is finally starting to get it.
>Maureen Dowd was one of HRC's strongest supporters.
>Thanks to all the deviates who have been exposed, she's finally come to realize how base and vile HRC and her perverted husband are.
>No need to beat the drum on how awful Trump and Moore are, we know that.
>The good news is that at least one Washington insider is confessing to the conspiracy that everyone knew existed and allowed people like Moore and Trump to appeal to people who could see the obvious evil in Washington.
>Next to Bill Clinton and his Lady Macbeth, Roy Moore is a choir boy.
>When it comes to misogyny, Trump couldn't hold a candle to Bill Clinton - and that evil woman was running on his record.
>Trump promised to drain the swamp- and a swamp it is.
>When someone like Maureen Dowd (a swamp person if there ever was one) starts to acknowledge it, there's light at the end of the tunnel.

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