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Great way to wake up today
15/01/2018 22:44:36
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., Nouvelle Zélande
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>>>You saying "I don't know whether Trump is a racist" is a sign of you're denials of facts or just plain stupidity. Only a total idiot would be unable to see this. Sorry to be so blunt - but that's just the way it is.
>It seems you ignore the inconvenient parts of what people say, preferring to focus only on snips or paraphrases you can attack. Say, maybe you have a future as a MSM journalist.

You're ignoring the fact that Trump is a racist.

>>>What are you talking about dude? I see things about it every day in the news. Muller is still doing his investigation - more indictments and convictions will be coming... We'll see where this goes but seeing how Flynn got off really really easy and is talking I'd say it looks rather bleak for the Trump administration wouldn't you?
>My view is that so far there's zero, nada evidence of Russian conspiracy by or on behalf of Trump. Hopefully you comprehend that this is not the same as denying that he colluded.

My view is that we do not know what evidence there is because we are not Robert Muller. We know their are guilty pleas and indictments already and that Muller is not done and that there will be more. We also know that Trump is trying to weasel out of his "100%' promise to talk to Muller.

>What I do see, reminds me of Saddam's WMD: absolute certainty from some that they exist, self-righteously berating others for daring to observe that there's no actual evidence. That time it resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian causalities that Bill keeps pointing to and you keep ignoring.

There is a big difference between Saddam's WMD and the Russia investigation. For example no one is disputing that Russia meddled with our election (well - no one except for Trump of course) - and there is large amounts of evidence that Russia did indeed meddle with the election. What remains an unknown is how much Trump and or people working for him were involved with that. The purpose of the investigation is to find that out -- and we will know when the investigation is over. That being said - we do not know yet -- but from all appearances of what we do know one can make an educated guess that things look bleak for the Trump administration. Consider the deal that Flynn got -- so he has a lot of information to provide for nailing a bigger fish. There are not to many fish that are bigger than Flynn is there? like I said - looks bleak.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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