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Great way to wake up today
17/01/2018 18:57:22
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>>>...so to be clear here, what you're saying is there was nothing fake reported. No made up stories to intentionally mislead or lie to the public - just a line of questioning Trump did not like. This is proving my point.
>You can't expect to paraphrase like that- you're not the WAPO!
>Yes or no: the news was Trump meeting with Kazakhstan's president.
>This is why reporters were allowed to attend- so they could report the news. Not to ask embarrassing questions about Norway or whatever else tickles their fancy.
>There's longstanding protocol that the dignity of the occasion does not allow reporters to embarrass, even if the visitor is an unsavory character. Not at these events. Reporters who won't commit to behave get excluded, or the WH uses its own photographer and issues a press release.
>Of course it never was imagined that a reporter might attempt to embarrass POTUS at such an event, but Acosta took care of that.
>So when you paraphrase these events into "a line of questioning Trump did not like," you're using sophistry to conceal the breach of protocol, breach of trust and unprecedented insult that Acosta perpetrated.
>Result: assuming you agreed on the news above, the news is no longer the news. It is replaced by the Acosta protestations. He becomes the news, concealing the context (remember that?) to pose as an innocent reporter who asked a question and got stomped because the WH didn't like the question.
>That's fake news.

..and that sir is where you're mistaken. It's not fake news. Fake news is a fabricated story made up with no facts to intentionally designed to mislead the public. What this is a story you don't like because the topic was not what you thought it should be. That's not something with no facts - just facts you don't like.

...and Trump doesn't need any help embarrassing himself - if he is embarrassed by people asking a question about something he said then perhaps he should not be saying those things to begin with. Reporter asks a question on one of the hot-topics going on - Trump throws hissy-fit. Trumpiteers see Trump being a winey-little-bit_ch throwing a fit and blame reporter. Good grief... it's a SNL skit it the making...but it's a real story not a fake story.

>I have other stuff to get on with so if you really can't see it, take your parthian shot.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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