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>>>>>I don't care. Stupid actions ultimately have stupid consequences.
>>>One of the stupid consequences of the recent tax cuts according to the IMF yesterday, was upward revision of US growth forecast to 2.7% in 2018 and 2.5% in 2019. The IMF also forecasts growth overflowing onto US trade partners including an extra 0.4% for Mexico this year and 0.7% next year.
>>>Interestingly, the IMF predicts these economic benefits to fade after 2022 when the tax cuts expire. Not sure whether everybody knows these cuts have an expiry date.
>>Permanent tax cuts for the rich, eventually tax hikes for all middle-class families, and increase deficits by just under $1.5 trillion. Another brilliant idea brought to you by the GOP. Tax cuts, a temporarily nice stock market, increasing deficit, all the while getting rid of regulations... ---- we've been down this path with the Republicans before - we all know where this road leads us to.
>It's really pretty simple.
>Find some candidates who agree with you, can be elected- and go out and get them elected.

...yes that's only 1/2 the puzzle - the other 1/2 is to help educate the public so they don't vote like idiots and against what they want.

>During the past several days, I've had opportunities to discuss politics with some people that I think you'd like to know. They've all scraped their ways to the tops of their professions - including some politicians in high local offices and a few multimillionaires.
>They disagree on a lot of things, but agree on a few:
>- our family structure has passed a catastrophic tipping point.

We've had this problem for decades. During the 80's and 90's, when the government decided it would be a good idea to lock up all the black men and put them in prison for insanely long periods of time for drug offences (often victimless crimes) the result was the breakdown of families in these communities - and we're still dealing with the devastating effects of that. Now the GOP and Regan started that mess - Clinton carried it on. Clinton has since said it was wrong and regrets it, whereas the GOP is eager to keep this cycle going. Just take a look at Trump and Sessions.
And then there is the question of 'family structure' in general. The conservatives and bible-thumpers do not approve of what many consider a 'family' today. They falsely associate a same-sex family with kids as something wrong and/or failed - or people who simply elect not to get married yet live together as a family as not a 'real' family or again something wrong and/or failed. ...so some of this is not a breakdown of values, it's simply evolving and changing with the times.

> one of the zillionaires who owns income producting real estate in the NYC area told me that 80% of the occupants of his apartments are single women, most with children.
>Trump didn't cause that.

How could he from a political standpoint? He wasn't around then. But that is not the point -- what is he doing to fix it? Nothing - and quite the opposite, he's doing things to make it worse.
And frankly I'm suspicious of such numbers -- 80% of his apartments rent to women? Really? Where are all the men living? - Why does he not rent to men?? That sounds very fishy.

>Need I elaborate?

If you can elaborate on what Trump is doing to make matters better for the single women with children then yes, please do.

>- our social structure has stopped working

Our social structure is changing. The baby boomers are all hitting retirement age - people wait longer to get married or never to, same sex relationships are accepted, etc etc etc. From an economic standpoint however that is not working - the disparity between the haves and have-not's is larger than it ever has been - and it's getting worse. Oh and Trump and the GOP are just making it worse, not better - as noted in the tax plan.

>There are more than 11 million men between the age of 50-60 here who have just decided not to work.
>Why - who knows?

To be honest I am not familiar with that statistic. Not saying I agree or disagree - just don't know.

>But think about that. Trump didn't cause that.

Yeah....you need to get beyond the "Trump did not cause that" and get with the current times and think about "what has Trump done to make changes, and are they helping or hurting". As for the men over 50 - its' a very rough time. The life expectancy is going down, not up for this group for the 1st time in our countries history - drug and alcohol abuse fueled by economic despair and lack of healthcare (both physical and mental) are the key elements of this. What has Trump and the GOP done to help address this problem? Widen the gap between the rich and the poor - tax the poor more - take away healthcare - bring back stiff sentences for drug offenders - no funds to battle the opioid crisis -- and in Trump's case, just being a general ass_ole and blabbering idiot to grind in some more feelings of hopelessness and despair among the population. Oh and toss in some anti-gay stuff with some racist crap too in the mix (and the GOP is guilty of this as well). In other words this is going exactly as expected.

ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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