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State of the Union address predictions
06/02/2018 00:50:30
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., Nouvelle Zélande
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>>>'re missing the whole point and splitting hairs - I suspect for no reason other than to start an argument because it's so clear.
>I'm saying that if you want to build towers of grievance on assertions, you need to be able to validate the assertions that you proclaim to be bedrock. There's a repeating theme that you cannot. Or will not.
>>> By calling it all a hoax and a witch hunt, going after investigators, firing he head of the FBI, etc etc etc, calling it all fake news, he is indeed attacking the investigation along with committing acts of obstruction of justice along the way
>Simply repeating allegations that you can't substantiate is not a proof. Re Comey: the same people screaming for him to be fired over the timing of his investigation of HRC (timing now shown to be caused by McCabe sitting on the information) were suddenly aghast when Trump did fire him. Reality check: POTUS *can* fire the head of the FBI and unless you think Comey was conducting the investigation himself, It's a huge reach to call it obstruction- unless Manafort, Flynn or Papadopoulos or somebody else can credibly collaborate that Trump did it to obstruct the FBI. Maybe somebody can prove (rather than just allege) this, but for now your certainty is based on cult faith on which the whole narrative reiles, a small example of the fake news morass.

But you seem to of deleted the 20 examples I provided of Trump's obstruction of justice -- a clear indication that you can not refute any of it....which is ok, neither can anyone else. And did you not watch the TV interview where Trump said he fired Comey because of he Russia investigation?? And what about him telling the Russian government officials the same thing? You ignore this over and over -- then I have to repeat it, only to hear you complain I repeated it and somehow therefor it can be disregarded. You omitting my examples then saying I provided no examples is lame dude.

>As for the tweet you quote: thanks for finally producing one, but you do realize a) it's not from Trump and b) it's an own goal, since it clearly calls the *Media* a witch hunt, not Mueller. Surely you see this:
>>>July 27, 2017 "One of the things that has been lost in the politics of this situation is that the Russians collected and spread negative information.....
>>>...about then candidate Trump." Catherine Herridge @FoxNews. So why doesn't Fake News report this? Witch Hunt! Purposely phony reporting.

yeah my bad -- but part of it he did say -- not sure which came first the Fox News of Trump -- I think Fox News said it first and Trump repeated it.

...but there is plenty of his tweets to go around....dozens upon dozens of them -- over 150 I think dealing with Russia alone hahaha Now look - -when he attacks the media for covering the Russia investigation, calls it a witch hunt and a hoax, he is also attacking the investigation and those conducting it as well - which is perhaps a connection that you have not considered.

Dec 2, 2017 09:22:40 PM Congratulations to @ABC News for suspending Brian Ross for his horrendously inaccurate and dishonest report on the Russia, Russia, Russia Witch Hunt. More Networks and “papers” should do the same with their Fake News!

Feb 3, 2018 09:40:27 AM This memo totally vindicates “Trump” in probe. But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on. Their was no Collusion and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead). This is an American disgrace! [Twitter for iPhone]

Jan 16, 2018 09:19:46 AM Do you notice the Fake News Mainstream Media never likes covering the great and record setting economic news, but rather talks about anything negative or that can be turned into the negative. The Russian Collusion Hoax is dead, except as it pertains to the Dems. Public gets it!

Dec 29, 2017 07:46:23 AM While the Fake News loves to talk about my so-called low approval rating, @foxandfriends just showed that my rating on Dec. 28, 2017, was approximately the same as President Obama on Dec. 28, 2009, which was 47%...and this despite massive negative Trump coverage & Russia hoax!

Aug 7, 2017 06:04:19 AM ...and West Virginia. The fact is the Fake News Russian collusion story, record Stock Market, border security, military strength, jobs.....

>>> and again this pee pee dossier is a tiny piece of the puzzle, and you keep pretending like it was used for the FISA warrants mentioned in the memo but the dossier came about long after the warrants..
>Again, you insist it's a tiny piece of the puzzle as per the Vox narrative- but that requires that you ignore McCabe's evidence. Perhaps Schiff's essay will deny this too, in which case GOP pressure will go on to declassify so the public can see who's lying..

And you are ignoring the fact that it is total b.s. Rep. Eric Swalwell disputes the characterization made in the Nunes FISA Abuse Memo that deputy FBI director testified to the House Intelligence Committee that the Steele Dossier was the main piece of evidence used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on a member of the Trump campaign. "Swalwell says "He didn't say that ..".

>>>There is already a special counsel
>Your problem is that Mueller's brief is to do with Russian (government) interference in the election, not abuse of power by FBI/DOJ . I don't agree that such abuse of power would be covered in Mueller's remit. More than happy to be shown wrong, though Rosenstein's letter is pretty short and specific.

Incorrect.. Mueller’s investigation began with a focus on Russia’s role in the 2016 election, but he’s free to pursue any crimes he finds...this includes investigative targets ranging from campaign contacts with Russian operatives to possibly Trump himself...AND anything else that is gathered as a result of the investigation, hence the money laundering charges , Manafort’s overseas lobbying, Flynn’s firing due to his failure to disclose conversations with Russian officials, and everything else that's come up out of this mess. If there was abuse of power by the FBI/DOJ that he uncovers in the course of this investigation, then that is fair game too, and if anyone would find it, it would be this guy and his team.

>>> and you need to stop watching infowars and thinking that there are secret agents involved in some deep state conspiracy ran by a second shadow government plotting against the USA lol.
>We can probably save bytes on Michel's HD if I simply reply SM x (Straw man instance x) every time you do that. So today we're already up to SM 5.
>My advice: watch who is calling to declassify or to allow sunlight as the best disinfectant, and who wants to put their own narrative out there while blocking release of anything that might contradict the narrative. The second one is the liar almost every time.

..meanwhile it's Trump that is obstructing justice and the republicans who tried to block the 2nd memo. It appears that due to public outcry and shame that had no choice but to change their votes on that. Now watch what Trump does when he has to sign off on the release of it hahahaha. I just gave you 20 clear verifiable examples of Trump obstructing justice - so clearly he is the cone attempting to block things -- and you omitted all that i this post.

As Bill pointed out -- we can't argue about what is going to happen -- but we can discuss what has happened and observe patterns. Now if Trump is obstructing justice, attacking the media and the investigation and investigators, firing people over it, and others involved are being busted for lying to the FBI about it and other things, big-wigs are taking plea deals and becoming cooperating witnesses - in at least one case in secret for months...what exactly do you detect from this pattern here dude? A hoax or something? It seems pretty clear what road we're going down here. Don't know where that road will end -- but we know which way it's headed. And we also know that Trump himself is sure as hell acting like a guilty person. I will be interested to see where all this sits this time next year.
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