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State of the Union address predictions
06/02/2018 14:31:59
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>>...but there is plenty of his tweets to go around....dozens upon dozens of them -- over 150 I think dealing with Russia alone hahaha Now look - -when he attacks the media for covering the Russia investigation, calls it a witch hunt and a hoax, he is also attacking the investigation and those conducting it as well - which is perhaps a connection that you have not considered.

Surely you see that your tweets focus on the *media* witch hunt and/or the Russia hoax? Not the Mueller investigation. A big list of tweets that does NOT support your allegation, is not as impressive as you'd like.

Must I remind you again that your contention was that Trump called the Mueller investigation a hoax and a witch hunt? I realize why it's important to believe that- to support the next lie that Trump somehow caused the Investigation Committee to release this memo to undermine the Mueller investigation.

>>And you are ignoring the fact that it is total b.s. Rep. Eric Swalwell disputes the characterization made in the Nunes FISA Abuse Memo that deputy FBI director testified to the House Intelligence Committee that the Steele Dossier was the main piece of evidence used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on a member of the Trump campaign. "Swalwell says "He didn't say that ..".

So he must be believed over Gowdy? As predicted, the next step is to release the FISA warrant and/or McCabe's testimony and/or pull the transcripts of the verbal submissions to FISA so the public can see who's lying. There will be shrieking that this threatens national security to try to block it, same as Schiff tried to block the initial release- which gives Sessions his chance to appoint a special counsel. If he doesn't, somebody will start leaking FISA warrants and the same people who crowed that illegal leakers against Trump are saviors of democracy, this time will shriek that the leaks will doom civilization. Whereas in fact they're merely exposing liars on one side or the other.

>>Mueller’s investigation began with a focus on Russia’s role in the 2016 election, but he’s free to pursue any crimes he finds. this includes investigative targets ranging from campaign contacts with Russian operatives to possibly Trump himself...AND anything else that is gathered as a result of the investigation, hence the money laundering charges , Manafort’s overseas lobbying, Flynn’s firing due to his failure to disclose conversations with Russian officials, and everything else that's come up out of this mess. If there was abuse of power by the FBI/DOJ that he uncovers in the course of this investigation, then that is fair game too, and if anyone would find it, it would be this guy and his team.

I suppose it's possible that Mueller could find his way to this... after all, the Podesta group folded after he subpoenaed it in connection to his Manafort indictment. So maybe he can decide to investigate whether there was Russian government interest driving the concoction of the pee pee dossier to assist HRC. Something we can agree on! My view is that the Congressional committee is struggling to overcome stone walling and has saboteurs in its midst, so a special counsel who can empanel grand juries and bypass attempts to conceal, is the best chance of avoiding years of conspiracy theory. I'd rather it wasn't Mueller because it's better for him to finalize the black cloud over Trump rather than heading off endlessly in other directions.

.>>.meanwhile it's Trump that is obstructing justice and the republicans who tried to block the 2nd memo. It appears that due to public outcry and shame that had no choice but to change their votes on that. Now watch what Trump does when he has to sign off on the release of it hahahaha. I just gave you 20 clear verifiable examples of Trump obstructing justice - so clearly he is the cone attempting to block things -- and you omitted all that i this post.

The republicans didn't need to "try" to block the Schiff essay, they have a majority and could simply do so. Instead they insisted it went through the same process the official committee memo had to go through, rather than instant release sight unseen as Schiff demanded. When the time came, they voted unanimously to release. Your revisionist version may attribute that to public pressure, but the same public pressure tried to block the first one and they weren't swayed. The GOP explanation is that the Schiff essay is a flurry of distraction that doesn't contradict a single fact in the official memo. I guess we'll see. LOL at the sophist attempt to call any of this obstruction by Trump.

>>As Bill pointed out -- we can't argue about what is going to happen -- but we can discuss what has happened and observe patterns. Now if Trump is obstructing justice, attacking the media and the investigation and investigators, firing people over it...

See, you're buiiding an argument on quicksand that you can't or won't substantiate. You just keep saying it. Please accept that a pile of horse dung by any other name is still a pile of horse dung!
"... They ne'er cared for us
yet: suffer us to famish, and their store-houses
crammed with grain; make edicts for usury, to
support usurers; repeal daily any wholesome act
established against the rich, and provide more
piercing statutes daily, to chain up and restrain
the poor. If the wars eat us not up, they will; and
there's all the love they bear us.
-- Shakespeare: Coriolanus, Act 1, scene 1

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