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06/02/2018 16:55:14
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>> is that him saying this about the media reporting on it is the same thing as attacking the investigation itself.


Example: at the end of January the NYT produced a breathtaking story with its usual unnamed sources claiming Trump "tried" to fire Mueller but was thwarted when McGahn threatened to resign. Vox, WAPO etc followedf suit with stories titled "Trump's attempt to fire Mueller, explained" or "What we know about Trump's attempt to fire Mueller" and on and on it went.

IMHO "try" is a weasel word to hint at impropriety/illegality. Trump doesn't need to "try" to fire Mueller or any other senior legal officer. Ask Yates what happened when she "tried" to refuse Trump's instruction.

Meanwhile Trump had denied wanting to fire Mueller last year, after the NYT story was meant to happen. Priebus says he never saw any such thing. But so important is it to promote this "obstruction" meme that the MSM sidelines inconvenient information to focus on the worst possible take that it then treats as holy writ. That's a witch hunt- and it has nothing to do with Mueller's investigation.

>> That is exactly why he released it -- and note his tweet that said the memo'totally vindicates' him in 'Russian Witch Hunt' - which is of course ridiculous. So not only does that show Trump was hoping to undermine the investigation, he is also calling it a witch hunt.

Beyond absurd. The Congress Committee voted to release it, with rules then allowing Trump 5 days to object. If he did nothing, 5 days later Congress can release. Instead he formally declassified, as is his ultimate power, to ensure full accordance with US law and prevent screeching that Nunes released classified information. As I keep telling you, your accusations ought at least to make sense!

>>I'm fine with Mueller heading the investigation - I think he's the best man for the job - and he will go whatever direction his investigation leads him.

I'm sure you're fine with rolling thunder of investigation for the rest of Trump's terms. Even allowing for partisan politics, fairness dictates he needs to be damned or exonerated in the shortest time frame possible.

>>All b.s. there. They tried very hard not to release it - apparently it goes though the first memo step by step and puts it all in context and shows just how full of crap and misleading it is. The GOP tried to pull a dirty trick and it blew up in their faces. ....now Trump has to sign off on it - and we shall see how that turns out lol.

Try? There it is again. They could simply vote not to release it- same as all the DNC unanimously voted against release of the official memo.

As to whether Trump declassifies: I expect he'll be guided by the same team as produced his formal response to the official memo. Don't forget he can simply do nothing, in which case lets hope Schiff hasn't included any classified material.

>>You are still ignoring the 20 verified clear examples I gave you along with many other things that cause your responses to be inaccurate and skewed and out of context -- so clearly you have nothing.

20 examples of red roses does not prove that roses are blue. Amazed you can't or won't see it.
"... They ne'er cared for us
yet: suffer us to famish, and their store-houses
crammed with grain; make edicts for usury, to
support usurers; repeal daily any wholesome act
established against the rich, and provide more
piercing statutes daily, to chain up and restrain
the poor. If the wars eat us not up, they will; and
there's all the love they bear us.
-- Shakespeare: Coriolanus, Act 1, scene 1

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