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Enclose every createobject with try catch?
10/04/2018 14:42:03
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Visual FoxPro
Forms & Form designer
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>>>>Do you think it is a good practice to enclose every case where the code opens a form (sample code below) with the Try Catch?
>>>>local oForm
>>>>oForm = newobject('my_form','my_form_lib.vcx')
>>>>if type('oForm') = "O" and !isnull( oForm)
>>>>   oForm.show()
>>>>If there is a problem, whatever, a run-time error happens on NewObject, so checking for type and isnull is of little help. If I enclose the entire code in Try Catch, the error will be displayed.
>>>>But I am not sure if adding so much code (in every case) is worth the 'trouble'
>>>In my Form Handler class, I have a FormOpen method for this. It also make sure that the form is added to the Forms collection, and checks if the form can be opened more than once, plus a few other things.
>>I am curious to how you handle problems with the FormOpen method. Could you give a sentence or a line/two to show how you can prevent a run-time error with this method? Thank you.
>This code was made before Try-catch, or at least before I became comfortable with it. It as never caused any problem so far. Here it is, unfortunately I don't have the time to go into details.
Lparameters tcClass, tcClasslibrary, tnModal, tvOption, toParameter, tvParameter
>Local lcClassLib, lcClassName, llCheckOpen, llCheckPrimary, llReturn, loForm, loFormRef
>m.loFormRef = .Null.
>m.lcClassName = Upper(m.tcClass)
>m.lcClassLib = m.tcClasslibrary
>*!*   tvOption:
>*!*   0 or .F. = Open the form
>*!*   1 = If form already open select it
>*!*   "Recordkey" = If form with same recordkey is open, select it
>If Vartype(m.tnModal) # [N]
>   m.tnModal = 0
>Do Case
>   case empty(tvOption)
>      m.llCheckOpen = .F.
>   Case Vartype(m.tvOption) = [N]
>      m.llCheckOpen = m.tvOption = 1
>   Case Vartype(m.tvOption) = [C]
>      m.llCheckOpen = .T.
>      m.llCheckPrimary = .T.
>If m.llCheckOpen
>   For Each m.loForm In _Screen.Forms
>      If Upper(m.loForm.Class) == m.lcClassName
>         If m.llCheckPrimary
>            If m.loForm.oBusiness.Recordkey == m.tvOption
>               m.loFormRef = m.loForm
>            Endif
>         Else
>            m.loFormRef = m.loForm
>            Exit
>         Endif
>      Endif
>   Endfor
>   m.loForm = .Null.
>If Vartype(m.loFormRef) # [O]
>   Do Case
>      Case Pcount() = 6
>         m.loFormRef = Newobject(m.lcClassName, m.lcClassLib, [], m.toParameter, m.tvParameter )
>      Case Pcount() = 5
>         m.loFormRef = Newobject(m.lcClassName, m.lcClassLib, [], m.toParameter )
>      Case Pcount() >2
>         m.loFormRef = Newobject(m.lcClassName, m.lcClassLib )
>   Endcase
>m.llReturn = Vartype(m.loFormRef) = [O]
>If m.llReturn
>   m.loFormRef.Show(m.tnModal)
>   m.loFormRef = .Null.
>Return m.loFormRef
Thank you very much for sharing. I will review and see if it applies to my form(s).
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