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Converting to xls
11/05/2018 06:58:08
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
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Visual FoxPro
Visual FoxPro and .NET
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>>Convert a dbf to xls - I have forgotten how to do it
>IF what you are converting is not a simple and small file (less than 16K rows if I remember right) you can use "Copy To". It sort of works and creates old for excel files. For anything robust you could use something like "Vfp2Excel". There are many samples on the internet using Vfp2Excel. Here is a link for a broader discussion and code with Vfp2Excel:
>A thread about Excel and compatibility
>And here is one of the sample codes:
>Local loStream As ADODB.Stream, lcDataSource, lcSQL, lcColumnHeaders
>lcDataSource = _samples+'data'
>TEXT to m.lcSQL textmerge noshow
>Select Country, Region, City, Cust_Id, Company, Contact
>From Customer
>*** We want to use custom headers on columns, rather than fieldnames
>*** Our list should match the order of columns in our select
>*** We could simply omit passing headers, then field names would be used as column names
>lcColumnHeaders = "Country, Region, City, CustomerID, Company Name, Contact Name"
>loStream = GetDataAsAdoStream("Provider=VFPOLEDB;Data Source="+m.lcDataSource, m.lcSQL)
>*** Main Excel automation part now
>oExcel = Createobject("Excel.Application")
>With oExcel
>	.DisplayAlerts = .F.
>	.Workbooks.Add
>	.Visible = .T.
>	With .ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet
>		.Name = 'Customer List'
>		* Send the data - safe copy to replacement
>		VFP2ExcelVariation(m.loStream, .Range("A1"), m.lcColumnHeaders)
>		.Columns.AutoFit()
>	Endwith
>* Author: Cetin Basoz
>* This is based on earlier VFP2Excel function codes
>* that has been published on the internet, at various sites
>* since 2001. Not to be messed with others' code who named the same but has
>* nothing to do with the approaches taken here (unless copy & pasted and claimed
>* to be their own work, < s > that happens).
>* Note that this works with 64 bits excel too.
>Function VFP2ExcelVariation(toStream, toRange, tcHeaders)
>	Local loRS As ADODB.Recordset,ix
>	loRS = Createobject('Adodb.Recordset')
>	m.loRS.Open( m.toStream )
>	* Use first row for headers
>	Local Array aHeader[1]
>	m.toRange.Offset(1,0).CopyFromRecordSet( m.loRS )  && Copy data starting from headerrow + 1
>	For ix=1 To Iif( !Empty(m.tcHeaders), ;
>			ALINES(aHeader, m.tcHeaders,1,','), ;
>			m.loRS.Fields.Count )
>		m.toRange.Offset(0,m.ix-1).Value = ;
>			Iif( !Empty(m.tcHeaders), ;
>			Alltrim(aHeader[m.ix]), ;
>			Proper(m.loRS.Fields(m.ix-1).Name) )
>		m.toRange.Offset(0,m.ix-1).Font.Bold = .T.
>	Endfor
>	m.loRS.Close()
>Procedure GetDataAsAdoStream(tcConnection, tcSQL)
>	Local loStream As 'AdoDb.Stream', ;
>		loConn As 'AdoDb.Connection', ;
>		loRS As 'AdoDb.Recordset'
>	loStream = Createobject('AdoDb.Stream')
>	loConn = Createobject("Adodb.connection")
>	loConn.ConnectionString = m.tcConnection
>	m.loConn.Open()
>	loRS = loConn.Execute(m.tcSQL)
>	m.loRS.Save( loStream )
>	m.loRS.Close
>	m.loConn.Close
>	Return m.loStream
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