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10/12/2018 06:50:17
08/12/2018 16:50:10
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Visual FoxPro
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>I view Ricks snitching action as disgusting and reason to hope for him to get banned.
>Which is unusual for me - AFAIR I have always argued for lifting a ban (when I entered discussion at all - I view such bans as UT managment prerogative - "their house rules")
>When Rick came back, I reminded myself not to be my usual somewhat flippant/tongue-in-cheek self and to stay out of religuos discussions.
>I read his posts as he does know quite a bit on technical matters and certainly is not stupid.
>Tried to hint, that his argumentative style smelled a lot like preaching, which might be unwise.
>That changed when he tried to sick MS lawyers onto Chen. Shows the worst aspect of snitching:
>no personal cost, minimal effort on Ricks side, due to US lawyer cost distribution in litigation cost posssibly substantial danger to Chen if MS was prodded into action.
>Couple that with the fact that Rick wants/wanted to develop a product competing in customers target with Chens products, Occams Razor resolves this as an attempt to put stones onto the path of a competitor at least, eliminate him via lawyer cost from the market at best.
>Spicing the "code smell" (in German language code smell can be heard as "excrement stink" if pronounced sloppy) is the fact that Rick fired off his email to MS quickly after a post - chances are Chen probably did not read that post before mail was sent. Rick did not contact Chen directly via mail before going into action - which I ascertained before shaving with Occams famous tool on possible motives.
>This changed my opinion on Rick coming to UT. As my attempt to enhance blocking options to exclude him from reading any of my posts was not realized, I think UT would be a better place if he was banned.
>I willl not try to goad him via snide remarks into relapsing into religuos arguments (not my style), will not add a Cato the elder-alike statement to my signature asking for him to sent into exile (relegatio would more fitting than exilium), not even try to prod directly UT into action as I am ot a paying member.
>But I would not allow him to sit at my table (think italian restaurant, not Oktoberfest table with benches...) and will openly express my opinion that I think he should be sent off ground to other customers - knowing that he can offer relevant technical info, but that pales beside his snitching action, which could be repeated with other means and other targets.
>Long time ago Kevin received a msg that someone was boarding a plane with a samurai sword IIRC.
>Probably caused at least consternation, if not worry - but does not compare with the danger of lawyer cost, as Rick really sent the mail.
>I doubt there was a corresponding boarding a plane, even without sword... Was reason to ban.
>Add to that the diminishing of Chens product by repeatedly labeling it illegal and other derogatory terms, without a court decision to back him up ***on that particular case***, even without asking a lawyer specialising on that area in advance... I will not mirror such behaviour and declare such utterings to be slanderous or libel. But if a court would find it such, I would concur with the verdict from my very personal POV.
>Therefore I think Walters post is emotional, but the most disgusting about the topic was Ricks attempt at smearing a competitor by snitching he (IMO) tried to sell as a public service.


Thank you for the considered explanation of your point of view. it has some merit and I appreciate you taking the time to write it. I do agree with some of what you say but not all :)

In respect of Rick's position - I dont know what his motivations are. One can either (a) take his stated position as the truth or (b) assume those are lies and some other personal agenda is at hand. Who is to know the truth whether a or b is the case? When left with an unknowable in human affairs my default stance is to accept a person at face-value and not work off assumptions - until proven otherwise. It's how I would like to be treated if what I say/do is ambiguous.

In respect of Rick or anyone else on this forum: if I dont like what someone says, or how they say it, I just ignore them and don't read their posts. I have hardly ever used the twit-filter - dont need it as it is not hard to skip posts I have no interest in. Rick is a bit preachy and it does gets a bit tiresome but, like I said, I can just take it or leave it and move on.

I dont think we need to resort to personal insults and rudeness. The argument that the receiver is at fault in such situations and needs to "grow a thicker skin" is BS. If someone is rude or insulting then, for me, they're history because I can't be bothered with it - life's too short.

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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