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3D-printed vegan steak from plant-based proteins??
20/12/2018 19:41:36
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., Nouvelle Zélande
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>>>But what exactly should a question about it of been at this press conference? I mean what possible question could they ask her?
>They had no trouble asking about Flynn at least 10 times with the same answer from her each time.

Yeah they ask her 10 different questions and get 10 different lies. She is a liar - yes?

>Maybe ask whether the bump stock ban is Sessions' legacy. Maybe ask whether there's other initiatives in the pipeline that previous administrations steered clear of. There's lots of questions a neutral journalist could ask.

Yes there a lots of pointless unimportant things they could of asked.

>>> Meanwhile just a few hours later he claims to of defeated ISIS and is making a HUGE HUGE international mistake on that -
>Actually it was one of his campaign promises. Ask Bill what he thinks about being constantly at war, and surely "America First" doesn't mean "Syria First" or "NATO First." The other point is that there are 2,000 US troops in Syria compared to 14,000 in Afghanistan despite the US declaring its intention to pull out of Afghanistan by 2014. Putin made that point too, btw, so lets wait and see.
>Putin also suggested that having US troops in Syria is illegal since they were neither invited by the Syrian government (as Russia was) nor authorized by the Security Council. Could he be correct? Meanwhile various naysayers say that withdrawal = handing influence to Russia and Iran, but others say that's inevitable after the US sided against Assad while Russia and Iran supported him. Assad is close to declaring total victory in Syria and you don't need to be a rocket scientist to predict political allegiances going forward. Who was it that sided against Assad again?

First off here -- Putin should not be determining our policies (although with Trump he seems to be able to do just that). Keep in mind that Russia will end up with a foothold in the Middle East out of all this -- I'm sure you agree that this would be a bad thing.

>>>and is also saying that he is not going to sign the bill to prevent the government from shutting down. So yes his bump stock thing got coverage but it's quickly forgotten because of Trump own ignorant crazy actions and words on matters of massive importance.
>Saint Clinton vetoed spending bills and caused shut downs twice, so lets hear you call him ignorant crazy. How about the ignorant crazy person who tried and failed to undermine Assad: anything to say about that?
>No, because the hypocrisy and hatred is almost uniquely directed at current POTUS for doing things that, as Bill noted, would have resulted in canonization or free passes for predecessors or at least were handled respectfully. But Orange Man Bad. Always bad.

Whataboutism. Don't like what Trump does? Then talk about the Clinton's. Whataboutism again.

>>>The problem you have here is that you complain about 'boycott on good news' when the real issue is that there is simply a very small amount of good news in regards to this administration to report on
>Employment figures are looking pretty good, and I heard Trump with my own ears saying that the US needs immigrants to fill roles in the growing economy. Clearly he's not anti-immigrant as you had asserted. Why isn't that news? How about the price of natural gas down by 75% compared to most of the Western world where it's markedly up. Natural gas burns far cleaner than alternatives and is partly responsible for the improving US emission figures that so far are saving rather than costing citizens money as was planned until Trump pulled out of the Paris Accord. Shouldn't it be news to contrast that with France where they're rioting over exciting new fuel taxes imposed by Macron because Global Warning.

Trying to claim that Trump likes or wants more immigrants is beyond dumb Bill. Sorry to say that -- but if you think Trump is not anti-immigrant then that sir is beyond dumb and uninformed -- its more like brainwashed or something.

>What you're really saying is that there's no good news to see because every silver lining has a cloud and its journalists' job to find and promote the cloud if Trump is involved.
>>> If he wouldn't of wanted to be president he could of quietly continued to launder money for the Russian mob and bang porn star hookers for the rest of his life
>No, I heard he was into having not-sex with interns and raping others, giving $500K speeches in Moscow, colluding with Russians to assemble fake dossiers on political foes, leaking national secrets from illegal email servers and all that other horrible stuff. Oh wait, those were different horrible people, weren't they, but they're on the cool team so the other cool dudes and dudettes give them a pass.

whataboutism whataboutism whataboutims. That has nothing to do with Trump being a total sleezeball that has been involved in illegal activity for decades. Now he is going to pay the price and is scared. He is going to have to continue to do crazy things to deflect attention -- all at the expense of our country and citizens. The revolving-door of his administartion will continue -- he will fire more people - ya know those who do not walk out the door first.
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