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Talking Rotten
07/02/2019 13:54:06
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., Nouvelle Zélande
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>>>First of all the the 'porous border" issue is not really accurate as most come here legally (usually by plane by the way) and simply over stay their visas.
>There's a record number of family units crossing the border illegally in 2019. It's happening because the word has gone out that if you can get onto US soil you'll be fed and medically treated then released for free schooling for the kids, other forms of assistance and poorly paid but nevertheless paid work- and eventually an amnesty granting the right to stay. Why wait in line when you can achieve all this by simply crossing the border with children? Meanwhile Democrat states have been underpaying their share by scooping high local taxes offset against federal taxes that pay for all this. States like Florida with 0% local tax meaning they pay full federal tax, have every right to be peeved at freeloaders quick to lecture but reluctant to pay their share.
>How much are Hawaii local taxes, btw?

11% -- one of the highest in the USA.

>Is HI feeling the bite of the capped SALT transfer yet?

Not that I'm aware of - and it probably will not at all. Even during the housing-bubble-bust Hawaii seemed to do better than all the other states. Hawaii is kinda the 'exception to the rule' in a lot of cases though.

>>>Anyway what I was getting at originally is how amusing it is (abet disturbing) Trump is as what he in one sentence will completely contradict what he said 2 minutes prior. This happens with nut job liars though.
>Much of that is driven by appalling far left media reporting. As an example, one strident "reporter" scoffed at Trump for referring to rescuing US soldiers as if they came from heaven. Jews don't believe in heaven, she scoffed. Even though it's in literally the first line in Genesis. I'd recommend you look that one up, because it's also what the rescuee actually said. This snarling hateful attack at all costs mentality looks appalling to those not afflicted by it, and AFAICS there are more and more of those.

Trump is a liar and idiot. If he looks that way it's not the media's fault - it's Trump's fault. His only defense is to call all the negative stories fake. But since he is such a HUGE idiot and a HUGE liar - there are lots of negative stories - so now he has to say that all the media is fake and then say the news media is the enemy of the people. For those of us that live in the USA, calling the media the enemy of the people is a seriously bad thing -- and I suspect that you grasp that.

>>>The American voter is stupid - which is how you end up with Trump and Mitch.
>You could also say it's how you end up with Congressional leadership more interested in harrassing POTUS than getting useful things done.

By having a criminal for a president. I like how you use the famous Trump/FoxNews line "harrassing" bit there -- cute lol.

>>>Muller is still working and now the house intelligence committee is actually going to do something as it's not ran by the GOP anymore. In case you missed the news they released their 5 point investigation specs today lol.
>In your shoes I'd be concerned at recent precedent. First, any potential male candidate now needs to be chaperoned and coached from teen years or else he will be accused of sexual or black face impropriety decades ago for a baying mob to destroy his career. It looks as if the entire Dem upper level in Virginia currently is learning the meaning of "he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword." They used to scoff at Pence for refusing to be alone in any circumstance with a woman who is not his wife- yet that is the only defense in 2019 and it's becoming established in business, creating a barrier for women whose usual mentors now perceive too much risk. Second, unless future POTUS has house and Senate of his/her own party, future POTUS can be expected to be mired in endless probes and investigation that would be an abuse of process if police did it to a citizen. These precedents may be satisfying to attack a hated enemy today, but it'll be different when you get to take your own medicine.

Well thankfully you are not in my shoes. And you are not a USA citizen either. Last thing I am concerned about is what bad things will happen as a result of bad people getting outed for their bad behavior. And Mike P is just freaking weird dude -- not to mention a hateful anti-gay conversion-therapy twisted nut job, and for a supposed religious person he sure as hell has no problem lying to the American people and spreading hate. Trump has not really ruined the republican party so much as outed them for what they really stand for. You seem to be under the false impression that these investigations are not generating any results.

>And do not be surprised if the lead-up to 2020 includes calls not to elect Democrats if you want POTUS to be a figure of respect empowered to get on with doing good things for the people, or unless you want your kids to compete with people who will take half the pay if it means they can get residency and bring extended family over in 5 years.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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