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Talking Rotten
23/02/2019 18:56:53
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., Nouvelle Zélande
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>>>Trump is not some brilliant politician with a new approach -- he's a f-ing idiot who's exhibited stupidity. He doesn't have some genius plan here dude...he's just a blabbering idiot (aka -- dangerous).
>Certainly he has a new approach. Maybe spend less time looking for things to sling off at, and more to seeing the effect of what's going on economically and wrt relationship with China. To be very clear: China is a cigarette paper's thickness away from realizing its ambition to be the world's only sovereign state. Xi was already hinting at it. Then along came 45's Executive Orders.

...but starting a pointless unnecessary trade war with them is, in fact, stupid and costly.

>>>There is Qaddafi, Saddam, etc etc. We've had policies of 'regime change' in the past - he has every reason to be concerned. You think the USA would of been so quick to take out Qaddafi or Saddam if they had nukes? I'd say not. And technically we're still at war with North Korea.
>I don't think Trump wants to take anybody out. He wants to bring the troops home. He's publicly musing on an economic renaissance for NK led by Kim. Maybe you're thinking of some other candidate.

I agree that he doesn't want to take any dictators out -- he wants to join their club and be one with unchecked power and control of the press. He wants to be praised blindly by the people like Kim is and kill journalists who write disapproving stories about him like the other dictators. He want's to be part of that high-fives between Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince. Soo...while Kim may have nothing to worry about as far as Trump goes -- Kim also understands that we get a new president every few years and that many have a track record of taking out dictators like Qaddafi and Saddam. He's not going to drop is guard and give up his nukes - now or ever.

>>>Noooo.. dictators at first have to attack the free press - which is the step required to get the power to have control over it. Step one is to attack it -- you have to admit that. The free press doesn't disappear over night - it is a process -- which starts with attacking it! OMG.
>Though you refer to "dictators" as a group, I doubt you can name a single dictator that started by attacking the press rather than controlling or owning it. Just because Fake News issues such rants non stop, doesn't make it true.

Suppressing free press is 'how ALL dictators get started -ALL OF THEM remember it does't happen overnight. Trump has a real problem with the press -- hell he can't even handle comedians! Look at what he did last week after the Saturday Night Live episode... here is the exact quote:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!" lets break that down a bit shall we?
1. Called NBC 'fake news'...another attack on the free press.
2. 'without retribution" -- ok what exactly is that supposed to mean here? That there should be some sort of 'retribution' now for telling jokes in the USA - land of free speech??? Plus in the process here he's no doubt put Alex Baldwin and his family in danger.
3. "how do the networks get away with..." -- soo uhhh questioning how the networks get away with free speech??!!! in the USA!!?? OMG.
4. The 'real collusion" that should be "looked into" ??? So WTF there should be some sort of investigation into the SNL staff writers to determine if they're working with the democrats or something? Like what the hell is he talking about?

Keep in mind that this is just ONE of a zillion examples I'm talking about here -- I could go on and on for hours if not days giving examples just like this -- some much worse.

...dude these are all signs of fascist dictator -- and as we all know from world history classes that fascism happens over a period of time - and this is that exact carbon-copy of how it all gets started.

And lets not forget that he is undoubtedly a criminal - and won an election that was tampered with by the Russians with the assistance of his campaign and possibly himself. He has zero business being our leader.

The only sympathy I actually have for this guy is that he's basically just a giant man-baby with the mental capacity of about a 12 year old -- so busting him is gonna be kinda like arresting a child...should it ever get to that in a way I will feel sorry for him as he won't be able to understand exactly what's happening to him.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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