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XML File from several Cursors with 1 cursor without rela
01/05/2019 17:59:43
01/05/2019 17:39:32
Luis Santos
Biglevel-Soluções Informáticas, Lda
Information générale
Visual FoxPro
Codage, syntaxe et commandes
Thread ID:
Message ID:
>>>Hello community,
>>>I have found this example to generate XML file With associated XSD, but i want create the same example using another cursor that as no Key to associate to tables customers and Orders and OrdersDetails, like on the example:
>>>Select customers
>>>Set Relation To customerid Into crsOrders In crsCustomer
>>>Set Relation To orderid Into crsOrdDet In crsOrders Additive
>>>In this case how can do that?, for example i use on example above the table Territories (Suppose this table contains my enterprise data informations), i don´t have any field to create relation between the other tables ?
>>>Also, i need my company information on the main TAG like :
>>>    <territoryid>02116</territoryid>
>>>    <territorydescription>Boston</territorydescription>
>>>    <regionid>1</regionid>
>>>	<MyCustomer>
>>>		<customerid>BONAP</customerid>
>>>		<companyname>Bon app'</companyname>
>>>		<contactname>Laurence Lebihan</contactname>
>>>		<contacttitle>Owner</contacttitle>
>>>		<address>12, rue des Bouchers</address>
>>>		<city>Marseille</city>
>>>		<postalcode>13008</postalcode>
>>>		<country>France</country>
>>>		<phone></phone>
>>>		<fax></fax>
>>>		<MyOrders>
>>>			<orderid>10331</orderid>
>>>			<customerid>BONAP</customerid>
>>>			<employeeid>9</employeeid>
>>>			<orderdate>1996-10-16</orderdate>
>>>			<requireddate>1996-11-27</requireddate>
>>>			<shippeddate>1996-10-21</shippeddate>
>>>			<shipvia>1</shipvia>
>>>			<freight>10.1900</freight>
>>>			<shipname>Bon app'</shipname>
>>>			<shipaddress>12, rue des Bouchers</shipaddress>
>>>			<shipcity>Marseille</shipcity>
>>>			<shippostalcode>13008</shippostalcode>
>>>			<shipcountry>France</shipcountry>
>>>			<MyOrderDetails>
>>>				<orderid>10331</orderid>
>>>				<productid>54</productid>
>>>				<unitprice>5.9000</unitprice>
>>>				<quantity>15</quantity>
>>>				<discount>0.00000</discount>
>>>			</MyOrderDetails>
>>>		</MyOrders>
>>>Finally, if i want to remove from the XML file the XSD content , how can do that ?
>>>The code i use to produce the XML and XSD file is:
>>>OPEN DATABASE (HOME() + [samples\northwind\northwind])
>>>USE territories IN 0
>>>USE customers IN 0
>>>USE orders IN 0
>>>USE OrderDetails IN 0
>>>SELECT * ;
>>>	FROM territories ;
>>>	WHERE territoryid = '02116' ;
>>>	into cursor crsTerritory
>>>Select customers.* ;
>>>  from customers ;
>>>  where customerid = 'BONAP' ;
>>>  into Cursor crsCustomer nofilter
>>>Select t1.* ;
>>>  from orders t1 ;
>>>  inner Join crsCustomer t2 On t1.customerid = t2.customerid ;
>>>  into Cursor crsOrders nofilter
>>>Index On customerid Tag customerid
>>>Select t1.* ;
>>>  from OrderDetails t1 ;
>>>  inner Join crsOrders t2 On t1.orderid = t2.orderid ;
>>>  into Cursor crsOrdDet nofilter
>>>Index On orderid Tag orderid
>>>SELECT territories
>>>*set fields TO territorydescription
>>>Select customers
>>>*SET RELATION TO territorydescription INTO crsOrders In crsCustomer
>>>Set Relation To customerid Into crsOrders In crsCustomer
>>>Set Relation To orderid Into crsOrdDet In crsOrders Additive
>>>Local loAdapter As Xmladapter ,loAdapter2 As Xmladapter
>>>loAdapter = Createobject('XMLAdapter')
>>>loAdapter.AddTableSchema('crsOrders',  .T.,Strconv('MyOrders',12),'','',.F.,.F.,.T.)
>>>loAdapter.AddTableSchema('crsOrdDet',  .T.,Strconv('MyOrderDetails',12),'','',.F.,.F.,.T.)
>>>loAdapter.RespectNesting = .T.
>>>MODIFY FILE cMyData.xml
>>>Many thanks,
>>>Best regards,
>>Hi Luis, check code comments:
>>Close Databases All
>>Open Database (Home() + [samples\northwind\northwind])
>>Use territories In 0
>>Use customers In 0
>>Use orders In 0
>>Use OrderDetails In 0
>>Select * ;
>>	FROM territories ;
>>	WHERE territoryid = '02116'  ;
>>	into Cursor crsTerritory
>>Select customers.* ;
>>	from customers ;
>>	where customerid = 'BONAP' ;
>>	into Cursor crsCustomer nofilter
>>Select t1.* ;
>>	from orders t1 ;
>>	inner Join crsCustomer t2 On t1.customerid = t2.customerid ;
>>	into Cursor crsOrders nofilter
>>Index On customerid Tag customerid
>>Select t1.* ;
>>	from OrderDetails t1 ;
>>	inner Join crsOrders t2 On t1.orderid = t2.orderid ;
>>	into Cursor crsOrdDet nofilter
>>Index On orderid Tag orderid
>>Set Relation To customerid Into crsOrders In crsCustomer
>>Set Relation To orderid Into crsOrdDet In crsOrders
>>Select crsCustomer
>>Index On customerid Tag customerid
>>Set Relation to '' Into crsCustomer In crsTerritory && cheat 1:1 relation
>>loAdapter = Createobject('XMLAdapter')
>>With loAdapter As Xmladapter
>>	.XMLName = strconv('XML',12) && change root <VFPDATA> TO <XML>
>>	.XMLSchemaLocation = '' && supress XSD
>>	.RespectNesting = .T.  && set this default BEFORE adding tables, then no need to specify for each table
>>	.AddTableSchema('crsTerritory',.T.,Strconv('Enterprise',12))
>>	.AddTableSchema('crsCustomer',.T.,Strconv('MyCustomer',12))
>>	.AddTableSchema('crsOrders',  .T.,Strconv('MyOrders',12))
>>	.AddTableSchema('crsOrdDet',  .T.,Strconv('MyOrderDetails',12))
>>	.ToXML('cMyData','',.T.)
>>Modify File cMyData.XML
>>Hello Marco,
>>Many thanks for your reply and comments, i will go to test it.
>>Best regards,
>>Hello Marco,
>>Sorry i forget to ask the following, how could i supress Tag OrderId on Node MyOrderDetails without loosing the relation between cursors.
>>I ask this because sometimes that could be necessary, i see another post where use :
>>Select customers
>>SET FIELDS TO (Selection of some fields from cursor)
>>Using the example that you send to me and work like a charm, can i do that ?
>>like that :
>><?xml version = "1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" standalone="yes"?>
>>	<Enterprise>
>>		<territoryid>02116</territoryid>
>>		<territorydescription>Boston</territorydescription>
>>		<regionid>1</regionid>
>>		<MyCustomer>
>>			<customerid>BONAP</customerid>
>>			<companyname>Bon app'</companyname>
>>			<contactname>Laurence Lebihan</contactname>
>>			<contacttitle>Owner</contacttitle>
>>			<address>12, rue des Bouchers</address>
>>			<city>Marseille</city>
>>			<postalcode>13008</postalcode>
>>			<country>France</country>
>>			<phone></phone>
>>			<fax></fax>
>>			<MyOrders>
>>				<orderid>10331</orderid>
>>				<customerid>BONAP</customerid>
>>				<employeeid>9</employeeid>
>>				<orderdate>1996-10-16</orderdate>
>>				<requireddate>1996-11-27</requireddate>
>>				<shippeddate>1996-10-21</shippeddate>
>>				<shipvia>1</shipvia>
>>				<freight>10.1900</freight>
>>				<shipname>Bon app'</shipname>
>>				<shipaddress>12, rue des Bouchers</shipaddress>
>>				<shipcity>Marseille</shipcity>
>>				<shippostalcode>13008</shippostalcode>
>>				<shipcountry>France</shipcountry>
>>				<MyOrderDetails>
>>					<orderid>10331</orderid>  && is possible to remove this TAG
>>					<productid>54</productid>
>>					<unitprice>5.9000</unitprice>
>>					<quantity>15</quantity>
>>					<discount>0.00000</discount>
>>				</MyOrderDetails>
>>			</MyOrders>
>>	</Enterprise>
>>Thanks again,
>>Best regards,
>Hi Luis, no.. the set relation to "" is just a trick that works safely if you have a cursor
>with just 1 record on the left side of the relation. VFP has to include the correlated
>colums so the consumer can establish the relation again on parsed cursors from xml.
>Hello Marco,
>Yes, i understand the trick of relation to [] and is perfect.
>My question is different, i want to have the possibility to choose only fields from cursor crsCustomer and crsOrdDet that i want for building my XML files without broken :
> Set Relation To customerid Into crsOrders In crsCustomer
> Set Relation To orderid Into crsOrdDet In crsOrders
>Suppose for cursor crsCustomer i want only fields :
><companyname>Bon app'</companyname>
><contactname>Laurence Lebihan</contactname>
>for cursor crsOrder i want only fields :
>and for crsOrdDet i want only fields :
>Many thanks again, because i learn a lot of useful thing that i can use with your examples codes.
>I am very grateful for this.
>Best regards,

For that matter simply use "set fields to" :
* set fields: 
select crsCustomer
set fields to customerid,companyname,contactname

select crsOrders
 set fields to orderid,customerid,employeeid,orderdate

select  crsOrdDet
set fields to productid,unitprice,quantity,discount
Glad it helped you ;-)

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