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>>>I've never missed a vote in a presidential election since 1956. I'll let my more patient brethren do the arithmetic, but it's been a few.
>>>Out of all of them the votes for JFK and Obama were the most joyful.
>>>I'd love to have 3 do overs, though.
>>>Gerald Ford would have been a better choice than Jimmy Carter. That was a vote for party, not the person- a mistake. Jimmy Carter is a distant second to W as the worst post war president, but he did a lot of damage to this country.
>>Carter wasn't very good-- but did accomplish a few things. Dept of Energy, Dept of Education, he did take some steps to protect the environment, was part of a treaty between Egypt and Israel, and I guess improved relations with Panama by giving them their canal. Would Ford of been better? I am young enough that I can't give an opinion that would be worth while.
>Carter's deregulation of trucking and airlines destroyed hundreds of thousands of union jobs.
>People blame Reagan for the demise of unions - and he did a lot- but Carter did more damage to working people than any other post-war president.

Good point(s).

>>>George HW Bush was twice the man that Bill Clinton was. Again, another party vote. I'd love to have that one back.
>>mmm - not sure I agree with that one. Kind of a toss up for me really -- I always thought both Bush's were too war-happy -- but obviously Bill had his issues.
>>>Finally, the one that I regret most - my vote for Trump. Yes, HRC was garbage but - as my fellow GI's used to put it - Trump - with his reactions to the recent shootings - has shown that he has to reach up to touch bottom.
>>>Farmers say that cream rises to the top.
>>>The converse is apparently true.
>>>I don't care if the dems nominate Rasputin. I'll ring doorbells for him.
>>>This abomination has to end.
>>I'm with you 100% on this one. It was an experiment to put someone like Trump in office -- I'd say it's clear how the experiment has turned out. I understand that people got tired of the same-old-crap and wanted to flush the toilet and put someone totally different in office....but between the insane number of lies, lack of political experience along with the general stupidity on how government even works -- this was not the guy to experiment with.
>>My concern is that we're going to end up with Trump vs Biden --
>The odds are in Trump's favor, especially if there is no recession.
>W's reelection after the Iraq debacle shows the power of incumbency.
>However, as I said, I'd support Rasputin against him.
>We have to hope that enough people are fed up to make a difference.

I hope enough people are fed up too -- as of late it seems that more and more are now that they realize his policies are not helping them like he promised, but actually hurting them. As for a recession - I've been waiting for that his whole term since that seems to be a long running pattern of 1st term republican presidents....not that I like recessions, but that we can recover from -- some of the things Trump is doing (or could do, especially if he has another term) we can not. I am going to do like you are -- I'm going to go with whoever is running against him no matter who it is. I have my ideal picks of course -- but nothing is going to override the pick that is simply not Trump.
There is a lot of power of incumbency, and there are those who get all their news from FoxNews or facebook posts - the Russians are going to meddle again in the election and as I've said before, the American voter (as a whole) is stupid, so my faith-level of getting Trump out of office is not high.

I really think it's going to turn into a huge circus of a mess if Trump doesn't win -- there is no way on earth this guy is going to willingly leave office.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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