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XSharp the new VFP-syntax support on dotnet
09/10/2019 10:44:22
09/10/2019 10:16:01
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Visual FoxPro
Visual FoxPro and .NET
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Hello Johan,

Just so you know, I'm also very interested to have frequent fresh news on the development of X#.

Keep those coming :-)

>>>I am an active X# developer.
>>A warm thank-you for dropping in!
>Thank you!
>>Should the X# team have a genuine interest into VFP both as a community and as a development platform, you should possibly publish onto this historic place of the
>>fox community. It is not as active as it used to be. But it still convey a decent readership especially among long-time experts of VFP!
>I am sure going to peek in here quite frequently and throw in some X# comments (if the VFP community will bear with me).
>>I'm of course impressed to hear that X# could transparently support alternative xbase-orientated syntaxes. Shouid the performance be acceptable, this is "in and of
>>itself" impressive... And I'll specifically follow on two issues where VFP really shined (and still is decent over 12 years after it lost MS support) : buidling data-aware UI
>>fast and, more important as as I am concerned, the quality and speed of its local-cursor-based SQL engine.
>The cursor based SQL engine is on the todo list as it was handled a bit differently in VO/Vulcan
>>Have you an idea how Visual Object or Vulcan (if that's the name) did perform in this very area ?
>VO / Vulcan had a slight different approach, we used what was called an ArrayServer to achieve in-memory cursors. Also X# is a .NET language, so you do have also the .NET DataSet/DataTable which is an in memory representation of your database and Entity Framework for WPF development which X# both caters for. Both DataSet and EF are by default disconnected data "servers".
>>Sure the combination of local partially in-memory dbf-based cursors and associated indexes (following the cdx format)
>>delivers impressive data mangling performance. I expect that quite a number of those still use VFP would possibly still
>>rely on this engine. Even in cases when they use db-server technology. I'd be glad to hear how the dbf currently fits in the X#combination.
>X# do support command based, USE/GOTOP/GOBOTTOM/SKIP as well as a DbServer class which wraps these commands in an OOP layer. Robert and team have already indicated cursors are high on the priority list after SWFOX. Robert had a VO product VO2ADO that already contains lots of the features what you are requiring and did say it will soon be available in X#. Might need some enhancements to address VFP features, which will then also become available to other XBase flavours. Just be patient, there are just unfortunately so many hours and man power to do all the stuff.
>Robert will obviously at SWFOX explain the open source runtime and how VFP guys/gals can assist in contributing to the runtime which is available on GitHub.
>Speak soon again!
>XBase greetings to all
Save a tree, eat a beaver.
Denis Chassé

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