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Import SQL Server query into a DBF
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>>>>When you run a SQL Select in SSMS and see the query, you can Select All and Copy with Header or Without Headers.
>>>>But then, if you paste this "report" into a Word or Notepad, you can't really see the records easily.
>>>>Has anybody created a code that would import this copy of the SQL Server query into a DBF?
>>>That's easy enough. Just make a variable which holds the very same query. Then when you SQLExec() this query, you end up with a DBF which you can Copy to a DBF.
>>The problem is that I am running this query in the SSMS (remotely connected to the custom site). So, I cannot use VFP SQLExec(). But I can run the SQL Select and copy the query.
>>Thank you.
>Hi Dmitry,
>lcData=_cliptext && get data clipboard
>lii=AT(CHR(13), lcData)
>lcHeader=LEFT(lcData, lii) && get header - column list
>lcData=SUBSTR(lcData, lii+1) && data
>liColumns=OCCURS(CHR(9),lcHeader)+1 && column count
>lilines=ALINES(xxa, lcData,0,CHR(9),CHR(13)) && convert string to array 1-dim
>DIMENSION xxa(lilines/liColumns,liColumns) && redimension to 2-dim array
>SET DATE YMD && date/date time is in XML format/121
>APPEND FROM ARRAY xxa && cursor/tablr must exists with right structure
>SET DATE german

Thank you, Martina. I am having a little problem with your code. But it is probably me not your code.
UPDATE. I found what I was missing in your code. I have to create the cursor first. Again, thank you.
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