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With Buffering = .T
09/02/2020 02:57:37
Dragan Nedeljkovich
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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Visual FoxPro
Classes - VCX
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Windows 10
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>I'm Francis, I fix vfp help file.

I'm getting lost in GIT and the whole VFP help project, and I see you have already done it, in this text, better than I would. Not that I'd have done anything differently, it's that you thought of things I would have forgotten. The trouble is, I don't know where to put them, the whole system of GUID-named files is labyrinthine to me. I don't even understand whether you already did this and posted it here just to show how it's done (appreciated) - well, if you didn't, please do, you know the ropes there.

I do have a plan of my own to recompile the whole thing into simple html or the linux help format, or an .epub file.

>- the "WITH (BUFFERING = lExpr)" option is explained in the page :
>HELP "SELECT - SQL Command - WITH Clause"
>do you mean :
>- Make update in help page named "SELECT - SQL Command - FROM Clause"
>in part "Remarks" ?
>actualy :
>SELECT Select_List
>   FROM Table_List 
>...[WITH (BUFFERING = lExpr)]
>   [WHERE Conditions]
>   [GROUP BY Column_List]
>   [UNION Clause]
>   [HAVING Conditions]
>   [ORDER BY Column_List]
>   [INTO Clause | TO Clause ] 
>   [Additional_Display_Options]
>SELECT Select_List
>   FROM Table_List [WITH (BUFFERING = lExpr)]
>   [WHERE Conditions]
>   [GROUP BY Column_List]
>   [UNION Clause]
>   [HAVING Conditions]
>   [ORDER BY Column_List]
>   [INTO Clause | TO Clause ] 
>   [Additional_Display_Options]
>Like print screen updated in attachment ?
>about the header in the same page :
>FROM [FORCE] Table_List_Item [, ...] 
>      [[JoinType] JOIN DatabaseName!]Table [[AS] Local_Alias]
>      [ON JoinCondition [AND | OR [JoinCondition | FilterCondition] ...]
>can be corrected :
>FROM [FORCE] Table_List_Item [, ...]  [WITH (BUFFERING = lExpr)]
>      [[JoinType] JOIN DatabaseName!]Table [[AS] Local_Alias]  [WITH (BUFFERING = lExpr)]
>      [ON JoinCondition [AND | OR [JoinCondition | FilterCondition] ...]
>and others pages :
>HELP "SELECT - SQL Command"
>in part "Remarks"
>and in header ?
>HELP "SELECT - SQL Command - UNION Clause"
>in part "Remarks"
>HELP "SELECT - SQL Command - WHERE Clause"
>in part "Remarks"
>HELP "SELECT - SQL Command - WITH Clause"
>in part "Remarks"
>- thanks to Koen Piller to informed me of this discussion
>- About VFPX - https://vfpx.github.io/projects/
> The VFP Help File Project is here : https://github.com/VFPX/HelpFile
>and you can open an issue about that in https://github.com/VFPX/HelpFile/issues
> Please : with the exact title of the page + the existing text + the text corrected proposal.
>>The way the Help is written, I'd not coded this way on first try...
>>So "with Buffering" is actually a sub-clause of from and syntactic sugar nephew Join,
>>not a clause of the select. Writing "With" in its own line, linking and citing from "select" but not from "From" would have led me astray.
>>SELECT Select_List
>>   FROM Table_List
>>...[WITH (BUFFERING = lExpr)]
>>   [WHERE Conditions]
>>   [GROUP BY Column_List]
>>   [UNION Clause]
>>   [HAVING Conditions]
>>   [ORDER BY Column_List]
>>   [INTO Clause | TO Clause ] 
>>   [Additional_Display_Options]
>>as "..." (if seen at all) would have not registered on first readings, esp, as not mentioned / linked to from "From" Clause. Might be an idea to forward "With is a clause to from/join, not select" to the person(s) having made the effort to fix vfp help on vfpX.
>Exactly. The syntactically correct form of this meta-syntax description would be to put the With clause into each entry of the table_list.

back to same old

the first online autobiography, unfinished by design
What, me reckless? I'm full of recks!
Balkans, eh? Count them.

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