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Politics and coronavirus
03/03/2020 14:14:28
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>>>I think that no one should calm down - they should be protesting in the streets.
>Yes, and I saw people planning protest on the streets and rebellion because Trump was about to fire Mueller because Mueller had devastating proof of Trump's collusion with Russia.
>That's the problem with fake news. It provokes irrational response based on misrepresentations and deliberate lies.
>>>The GOP has tried to end Obamacare 70+ times now -- they just want to take healthcare way from 11 million+ people. That is not something we should take lightly.
>Problem is that you haven't read the GOP December paper and may not even know it exists. There's only the "taking healthcare away from 11 million people!" chant based on - what exactly? Not the December paper certainly. Had you read the December paper you'd join my concern at the fate of the millions in blue states that took advantage of the ACA's Medicaid expansion.
>>>Furthermore you might want to investigate how these 'replacements' deal with pre-existing conditions... they are all much weaker, all their plans had big holes.
>This is not the first time you scolded others to investigate something you didn't investigate yourself. Nor is this the first time I tried to tell you why the ACA failed- because unless individual mandate is enforced, plans become dominated by the sick and premiums rise so that only the most heavily subsidized can afford them. They say that you need approx 75% coverage so there's enough well people to underwrite the costs of the sick- and the ACA never got beyond 40% of eligible population. So who were the biggest beneficiaries of this mismatch? Why it's the insurers who made so much ACA profit last year that there's billions in rebates for exceeding the ACA's profit caps.
>>>"Republicans will protect people with pre-existing conditions far better than the Dems!" - Donald Trump
>>>That statement alone should be enough to let you know it's total b.s. lol lol lol
>Because he always lies, right lol lol lol? That's a circular argument beloved of fake news.

I've worked in healthcare for over 25 years and actually stay current on these types of things, so I actually do know what I'm talking about.
Just keep saying it's all fake news and that Trump never lies if that's what works for you :)
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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