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Is the coronavirus hype and panic justified?
08/03/2020 14:38:12
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., Nouvelle Zélande
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>>>I believe that is incorrect? I thought COVID-19 had a mortality rate more than 20 times higher.
>Lay reporting has a tendency not to emphasize the denominator when reporting % mortality. In this case, The Chinese version of CDC had reported 2.3% mortality (or 2.4% depending where you look) of people identified as infected. At the time of their report, testing mostly excluded your citation's greater than 80% of infected people who experience mild symptoms and carry on with their lives. So what the Chinese figures show is that in China if you're in the subset with reason to be tested- mostly having sought medical care- 2.3% will die. Hence the estimated lower mortality though 2.3% sounds higher.
>As an aside, this virus reportedly does not cross the placental barrier, so the incidence of fetal morbidity or mortality ought to be 0% assuming mum doesn't get too sick or worse herself. Lets hope no politician claims credit for that! ;-)
>Meanwhile in the US, Tony Fauci agrees with both of us that "we don't know what we don't know" and includes 2 pieces of advice: first, lets not panic; and second, if you're elderly or have comorbidities, don't get on a cruise ship and reconsider your need for travel. He also does not rule out mass isolation as is practiced elsewhere, but says it's not indicated in the US at this time, though some governors have declared emergencies in their own states.
>My advice is to bypass lay media paraphrase to get the facts: seek out the actual reports and statements by the Pence taskforce rather than third party versions of it. As an example - it's important to ensure every state has lab capability to test those showing symptoms or exposed to same, and knows how to make rapid report to the Pence taskforce for national decisions supported by presidential Executive Order if required. Has that happened for this virus?
>Second, experts say that fearmongering and panic may end up doing far more damage than the actual virus. If you look at corporate media badgering a White House representative that anybody who wants a test should be able to get one - that would be disastrous, swamping the health system and pushing out heart attack and other victims with an actual need for care. This is what Fauci is recommending - testing for those assessed as needing testing by their medical professional in accord with national parameters. Seems to me this risks being submerged by all the other yammering, often it seems in an attempt to incite panic or loss of confidence in the Pence taskforce. You might also wonder what this means for those who reportedly have no access to medical care, which also is submerged in the furor.
>BTW, the answer is that yes, every state now has the ability to test and report centrally for national decisionmaking. For interest - what does your lay media say on how long it took previous administrations to reach this point wrt SARS-1 or Ebola?

So you suggest to take the advice of Pence - the guy who not only caused an AIDS outbreak in his home state but a man who does not believe in science,... a blind following member of the Trump administration which is spreading false information? What possible reason should anyone in their right mind have an ounce of confidence in him or Trump? Listen to the real experts .. ya know..the doctors - not these political idiots. If everyone was doing what Trump says we would all die lol.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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