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Is the coronavirus hype and panic justified?
12/03/2020 14:17:37
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>>>Those tests costs $1900 each & if our medical system was better to begin with there wouldn't be an co-pays for anything ever.
>Even if every silver lining has a cloud, is this the time for a 2-front war, or to expect miracles from a POTUS you call "incompetent" to defeat a vested interest juggernaut that has won every battle in living memory, including that attempted by HRC while Bill was president? Even for the ACA that came closest to making real change, insurers stood by innocently and profited magnificently as fundamental errors doomed the model.
>On current events wrt COVID-19, a few issues to consider:
>1) Tony Fauci has led the Infection division of the NIH for 35 years, during which time his advice has been relied on by multiple administrations and congresses wrt responses and research re AIDS, other infections diseases and pandemics. He is precisely the sort of nonpartisan long-term expert you'd hope to be in charge of important government organs (including the likes of the FBI, but lets not go there now!)
>This week, Fauci told Congress that in his view, the US would be in a worse position wrt COVID-19 if not for Trump's early China travel ban.
>Fauci's directed advice had 2 main thrusts being internal mitigation, and preventing ingress of infected people from elsewhere.
>Shortly afterwards, Trump declared that with arrivals from Europe seeding outbreaks in the US and dissatisfied with Europe's attitide to Fauci's second thrust, Trump would close travel from Europe for 30 days.
>It appears that Trump is heeding what his expert advisors have to say.

HIS "expert" advisers, like the guy who wrote his speech the other night (Steven Miller)? -- or REAL expert advisers who actually know what they're talking about? Because Trump is not at all "heeding" to what "experts" say.

>In contrast, "Dr" Nadler declared that closing borders will have no benefit for public health and the House shortly will vote on a bill to curtail POTUS's ability to declare such travel bans.
>Nevertheless it is the Trump administration accused of being anti-science, incompetent and contradicting expert advice.

Trump administration is not being accused...people are just pointing out what they see and hear.

>WAPO as sample of corporate media reponse: WAPO had been extensively criticizing Trump's China travel ban, so in the interests of balance now did quote Fauci... by calling the US testing response a fail based on Fauci's observation that the US is not set up to offer quick cheap testing as seen in other parts of the world.
>Next: recently the point was made here that too often, legislation includes pork barrel sneakers carried across the line by linkage to something important. Today Trump complained that the most recent COVID-19 bill is full of unrelated goodies that Dems have been trying to sneak across the line for 25 years.
>Can these people not see that they are setting themselves up to be called do-nothings who wish ill on fellow Americans and never let a good crisis go to waste?
>My view: this pandemic is the start of a sea change wrt attitudes toward Trump. You cannot fool all the people all the time and once the same magnifying glass applied to Trump increasingly gets reversed, it won't be a pretty sight.

Oh and where are those magical 50 million test kits you were talking about the other day? Still none. You still buying the Trump land Pence lies?
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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