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Call VFP EXE and return value
03/08/2020 02:07:34
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The approach you described is pretty much what I did. Except I used a plain text file instead of the XML.
But the result was not what I wanted. So, I am working on some alternative approaches.
Thank you.

>It is possible, but may be more time consuming to implement. I have done this in the past, but it would be worth to do if you get more functionality than only a one liner.
>One simple workaround is to write the result to a temporary file, which you access via naming convention (fixed name) or pass as a parameter. Often I would create an XML file and send the path as parameter to the process, while the process then writes the response to the same file or to another XML file.
>You could create an XML file with the following structure to run code in a generic way:
><?xml version = "1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" standalone="yes"?>
>	<commands>
>		<command>GetEnv("UserName")</command>
>		<result></result>
>	</commands>
>You send this file to the VFP exe and it runs the defined command, and fills the result which then can be accessed by the caller.
>>Thank you. I doubt it.
>>>Perhaps, you could use a COM DLL instead of an EXE and call that functions as a method. Like (in VFP, I don't know C#:
>>>oVFP= CREATEOBJECT('myVfpComClass')   && Previously having registered "myVfpDll.dll"
>>>lcUserName= oVFP.GetUserName()
>>>>I need to call a small VFP .EXE from a C#/.NET code. The VFP project has one .PRG with has just one line:
>>>>RETURN (GetEnv("UserName")) 
>>>>How do I call this .EXE from C# code?
>>>>I called VFP EXE in my C# code before using the Proc syntax. Example:
>>>>Process Proc = Process.Start(cVfpExeFullPath, "1");
>>>>But before my VFP EXE didn't have to return anything. So, it was simple.
>>>>Now I want the VFP EXE to return a value and capture this value in the C# code.
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